This is a good thought; we split the initialization protocol and its a fair 
question to ask whether we can go back to a lump.  

In this case, I suspect John is about to say “Please let’s not give the 
verifier any more jobs to do.”  

> On Jul 13, 2023, at 3:39 AM, Remi Forax <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> if we take a step back and think about how value types are currently 
> implemented,
> a good retconing is that value classes are classical classes that behave 
> slightly differently at runtime when they are JIT optimized
> and if an optimization has to be done before JIT time (class layout by 
> example) then we use side channels (Preload attribute and field attribute) so 
> the information needed for the optimizations are available before JIT time. 
> There is one area where this is not true, class instantitation, for class 
> instantiation, currently the Java compiler transforms the bytecode,
> this has two major disatvantages, we need two new bytecodes, a special 
> factory method <new> and we do not support direct instantitation e.g. new 
> Integer().
> I wonder if we can not revisit that now and solve this last miles issue.
> I believe that the important property for value class instantitation that 
> "this" should not escape the constructor and that instead of having the 
> compiler to rewrite the bytecode, the constructor can be a classical <init> 
> method, the verifier will check that "this" does not escape, the JIT can not 
> delay the initialization of the value type before its uses (this is already 
> true because all fields are final) so at runtime no code can see a half baked 
> value class instance.
> Obviously, I'm not a VM implementor and I barely know how things really work, 
> so it might be a fantasy, but I think it's one that is worth trying to make a 
> reality.
> Rémi

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