On Thu, Jul 09, 2009 at 02:17:35PM -0500, Brian Pan wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a newbie question regarding 'purging the cache.'  When I run the 
> following command to purge the root domain of my website,
> varnishadm -T localhost:80  purge.url ^/$

Are you sure the admin interface is at port 80? That sounds very unlikely.

How do you start varnishd? Varnish can listen to _two_ ports, one is
typically port 80, where normal HTTP data is served, the other is an
administrative interface, which is what you want to specify with -T.

Kristian Lyngstøl
Redpill Linpro AS
Tlf: +47 21544179
Mob: +47 99014497

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