On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 05:02:37PM +0200, Václav Bílek wrote:
> I have tried trunk releas and hit problem vith VLC which worked in 2.0.4...
> Variable 'obj.grace' not accessible in method 'vcl_fetch'
> Variable 'obj.http.set-cookie' not accessible in method 'vcl_fetch'
> Variable 'obj.ttl' not accessible in method 'vcl_fetch'
> did the syntax changed?

Yup, in fetch, most of what used to be 'obj' is now available as 'beresp'.

So: beresp.grace, beresp.http.*, beresp.ttl in your case.

Kristian Lyngstøl
Redpill Linpro AS
Tlf: +47 21544179
Mob: +47 99014497

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