On 12-Feb-2010 00:48, Poul-Henning Kamp wrote:
> In message<4b749359.3080...@bugbyte.nl>, Bert-Jan de Lange writes:
>> On 12-Feb-2010 00:28, Poul-Henning Kamp wrote:
>>> If it a separate line with hex digits, then it is the chunked encoding
>>> we use to transmit ESI with to HTTP/1.1 clients...
>> Yes, exactly that. It looks like this:
> Your client should not show you that.
> I fixed a bug in -trunk three days that might relate to this,
> (HTTP/1.0 vs HTTP/1.1 confusion).
> Or you can try in vcl_deliver to always force the reply protocol
> to be HTTP/1.1

Added to the end of vcl_deliver:

if (resp.http.Transfer-Encoding == "chunked") {
     set resp.proto = regsub(resp.proto, "1\.0", "1.1");

The checksums are gone now.
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