Hi Guillaume,

Thumbs up for your cache_req_body() hint. It works perfect now. Thank you very 
much for your help.

TIL: POST, PUT, … requests are not restart-able by default.


Am Dienstag, dem 26.07.2022 um 00:50 -0700 schrieb Guillaume Quintard:

You are correct, the request body is, by default, not cached. To correct this, 
you need to use the cache_req_body() function from the std vmod: 

<self promotion time>
I haven't looked at the vcl yet (or the article), but since you mention 
vmod_curl, maybe you can try with vmod_reqwest instead 
(https://github.com/gquintard/vmod_reqwest). It's a bit different, but 
hopefully more powerful, and I'd love to get some feedback on it.
</self promotion time>

Hope that helps!

On Tue, Jul 26, 2022, 00:03 Tom Anheyer | BerlinOnline 
<tom.anhe...@berlinonline.de<mailto:tom.anhe...@berlinonline.de>> wrote:

I try to use vouch-proxy and varnish (v7) together to build a authorisation
proxy. vouch-proxy is written to work with nginx ngx_http_auth_request_module



inspired from

- use varnish request restart feature
- intercept original client request and make a GET request to vouch-proxy
validate endpoint
- when validated restore the original request and do a restart

in detail:

# vcl_recv
#   restarts == 0
#       save req method, url, Content-Length, Content-Type in var
#       method := GET
#       url := /validate
#       backend := vouch-proxy
#       remove Content-Length, Content-Type
#   restarts > 0
#       check vouch-proxy headers (roles, groups)
# vcl_deliver
#   resp == vouch-proxy,GET,/validate,200
#       restore req method, url, Content-Length, Content-Type from var
#       forward vouch-proxy response headers to req
#       restart (original) req

see attached common-vouch-proxy.vcl

It works for client requests without request body (GET, HEAD, …) but not for
POST, PUT, …. POST, PUT run in timeouts, so I think the request body is lost in
the restarted request. Why is the body gone after restart?

I think it should work with the curl vmod but this is not integrated yet.

Thank you very much in advance


Tom Anheyer
Senior Developer

BerlinOnline Stadtportal GmbH & Co. KG
Stefan-Heym-Platz 1
10365 Berlin

Tel.: +49 30 2327-5210
Fax: +49 30 5771180-95
E-Mail: tom.anhe...@berlinonline.de<mailto:tom.anhe...@berlinonline.de>

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