Hi all,

I am running VirtualBox 3.1.0 under Ubuntu 8.04.3 and everything works fine. I started

r...@gandalf:~# vboxwebsrv --host -v
Sun VirtualBox Webservice Version 3.1.0
(C) 2005-2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Watchdog thread started
Watchdog: sleeping 5 seconds
Socket connection successful: host =, port = 18083, master socket = 9
Watchdog: checking 0 sessions

and tried to connect like this:

IWebsessionManager manager = new IWebsessionManager(url);      //
IVirtualBox vBox = manager.logon(username, password);          //root:root-pw  (credentials wrong?)

and I get this:

1: accepted connection from IP= socket=10...
-- entering __vbox__IWebsessionManager_USCORElogon
external authentication library is 'VRDPAuth'
authenticate(): Could not resolve import 'VRDPAuth2'. Error code: VERR_SYMBOL_NOT_FOUND
authenticate(): result of VRDPAuth(root, [12]): 0
-- leaving __vbox__IWebsessionManager_USCORElogon, rc: 0x0
Request served
2: accepted connection from IP= socket=10...
-- entering __vbox__IVirtualBox_USCOREgetVersion
   findRefFromId(): looking up objref
-- leaving __vbox__IVirtualBox_USCOREgetVersion, rc: 0xFFFFEF33 (-4301)
#### SOAP FAULT: VirtualBox error: Invalid managed object reference "" [SOAP-ENV:Client]
Request served
3: accepted connection from IP= socket=10...
-- entering __vbox__IWebsessionManager_USCORElogoff
-- leaving __vbox__IWebsessionManager_USCORElogoff, rc: 0x0
Request served
4: accepted connection from IP= socket=10...
-- entering __vbox__IWebsessionManager_USCORElogon
authenticate(): result of VRDPAuth(root, [12]): 0
-- leaving __vbox__IWebsessionManager_USCORElogon, rc: 0x0
Request served
5: accepted connection from IP= socket=10...
-- entering __vbox__IVirtualBox_USCOREgetVersion
   findRefFromId(): looking up objref
-- leaving __vbox__IVirtualBox_USCOREgetVersion, rc: 0xFFFFEF33 (-4301)
#### SOAP FAULT: VirtualBox error: Invalid managed object reference "" [SOAP-ENV:Client]
Request served
6: accepted connection from IP= socket=10...
-- entering __vbox__IWebsessionManager_USCORElogoff
-- leaving __vbox__IWebsessionManager_USCORElogoff, rc: 0x0
Request served
Watchdog: checking 2 sessions
Watchdog: tNow: 1261300076, session timestamp: 0
Watchdog: Session 3EF919F0357458F1 timed out, deleting
Watchdog: tNow: 1261300076, session timestamp: 0
Watchdog: Session 7B677D856C996BB4 timed out, deleting
Watchdog: sleeping 5 seconds

Can anybody point me to right direction please?
Thanks a lot and best regards,


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