On Mon, 2017-11-27 at 10:48 +0100, Michael Thayer wrote:
> On 25.11.2017 20:40, Sérgio Basto wrote:
> > On Sat, 2017-11-25 at 11:52 -0600, Larry Finger wrote:
> > > When I use the openSUSE spec file to build our RPMs from Oracle's
> > > source files, 
> > > I get a failure when building vboxvideo_drv_system.so as follows:
> [...]
> > > Any suggestions will be appreciated.
> > 
> > we don't need build vboxvideo_drv_system.so anymore since some
> > release
> > of Xorg-server (many releases ago) , I don't remember well , also
> > RHEL
> > 7 also don't need it, since RHEL 7.4 because they have backport the
> > code to kernel ... (so I don't really remember if is was kernel
> > requirement or an xorg requirement) , for sure
> > vboxvideo_drv_system.so
> > is just need it for very old systems.
> Thank you Sérgio, I should probably remove vboxvideo_drv_system
> altogether.  If people want to build vboxvideo against recent X.Org
> (mainly for non-Linux) there is now a git-repository on
> freedesktop.org,

where ?

> and I still haven't got round to doing an actual release.

Larry, in practical terms for Linux and last time I checked
VBoxGuestAdditions.iso (5.0.17-106140), extracting VBoxGuestAdditions-
amd64.tar.bz2 the file init/vboxadd-x11 in line 423 got : 

           # Do not install if we can use the kernel driver.
            case `uname -r` in
                1.* | 2.* | 3.[0-9].* | 3.10.* ) ;; 
                * ) vboxvideo_src="" ;;

So it means for kernels bigger than 3.11 => vboxvideo_src="" and
vboxvideo_drv.so is not built. And is only used vboxvideo.ko ( # Do not
install if we can use the kernel driver. ) , RHEL7 got kernel 3.10 but
in 7.4 new kernel 3.10 have a backport of X stuff ... 

But for LTS versions like RHEL6, we may still need build
vboxvideo_drv.so , but hopefully also xorg-x11-server is minor than
1.17 .

Ah another new is that I added almost all work of Hans de Goede for
VirtualBox-guest-additions [1] in RPMFusion package [2] offering a
script to run apps through OpenGL passthru [3] "I've opted to go this
route rather then auto-enable at boot since OpenGL passthru has some
issues with some apps (and does not work when using gnome-shell + other
opengl apps on top)" . 
Also we got vboxvideo.ko in staging of kernel vanilla but not the other
kmod components yet, they are waiting for a review, if someone can
review it (the kernel patches) it will be great . 

Best regards,




> Regards
> Michael
Sérgio M. B.
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