Hello Robert,

>From memory (mainly because I seem to recall someone else debugged this)
this is because both our touch screen and multi-touch devices get
events.  If that is correct then the issue is on host side.  Feel free
to debug further, we will probably not be looking at this for the
foreseeable future though.  I could imagine us fixing this though if
someone can analyse it sufficiently well for us to be confident that
there will not be unexpected fall-out from a fix.


23.02.2018 13:08, Rückerl Robert wrote:
> Hi,
> a single tap on a touchscreen of a Windows 10 host at a control element
> (e.g. a menu bar entry) in the display of a Linux VM (e.g. openSUSE Leap
> 42.3) behaves like two mouse clicks (with left mouse button) at the same
> position. For example, with a single tap at a menu bar entry with a pull
> down menu (e.g. of a terminal program), sometimes the pull down menu
> will be closed and reopened immediately.
> Tested with VirtualBox version 5.1.32 and 5.2.6 on a Windows 10 Build
> 1709 on a Dell Precision 5720 AIO. With an older VirtualBox Version
> (5.0.40) on an older Windows 10 Version (Build 1703) there was no such
> problem.
> With command 'xev -event button' you can see that a single tap produces
> two ButtonPress events.
> With 'VBOX_RELEASE_LOG=+main.e.l3' set you can see in the file VBox.log
> ...
> 00:00:43.271162 Mouse::putEventMultiTouch: aCount 1(actual 1), aScanTime
> 1654748562
> 00:00:43.271171 Mouse::i_putEventMultiTouch: screen [0] 0,0 1024,768
> 00:00:43.271174 Mouse::i_putEventMultiTouch: [0] 815,642 id 0, inContact
> 1, inRange 1
> 00:00:43.322088 Mouse::putEventMultiTouch: aCount 1(actual 1), aScanTime
> 1654748613
> 00:00:43.322104 Mouse::i_putEventMultiTouch: screen [0] 0,0 1024,768
> 00:00:43.322107 Mouse::i_putEventMultiTouch: [0] 815,642 id 0, inContact
> 0, inRange 0
> 00:00:43.322691 long __cdecl
> Mouse::putMouseEventAbsolute(long,long,long,long,long): x=815, y=642,
> dz=0, dw=0, fButtons=0x0
> 00:00:43.322822 long __cdecl
> Mouse::putMouseEventAbsolute(long,long,long,long,long): x=815, y=642,
> dz=0, dw=0, fButtons=0x1
> 00:00:43.322874 long __cdecl
> Mouse::putMouseEventAbsolute(long,long,long,long,long): x=815, y=642,
> dz=0, dw=0, fButtons=0x0
> ...
> for such a single tap.
> I think it's a result of Windows mouse click simulation for touch events.
> My question is: Are there any ways (within VirtualBox, the Windows host,
> and/or the Linux guest) to prevent this?
> Thanks for advice.
> Best Regards,
> Robert Rueckerl
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