Why am I getting this?
Please stop and take me off of this feed!

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> On Nov 4, 2021, at 11:04 AM, Klaus Espenlaub <klaus.espenl...@oracle.com> 
> wrote:
>  Hi Bernard,
>> On 2021-11-04 09:11, Bernard Giannetti wrote:
>> Hi Stéphane, fth0, Klaus,
>> Thanks for your responses.  I have done some digging/reading...
>> Looking at
>> https://www.virtualbox.org/browser/vbox/trunk/src/VBox/Frontends/VirtualBox/src/manager/chooser/UIChooserAbstractModel.cpp
>> and the functions prefixToString() and optionToString(), I see the 
>> characters that define group and machine, but there are some other 
>> characters which don't make sense...but that I don't believe affects my 
>> situation.  That 'gc' and 'go' both refer to groups, that fixes my immediate 
>> issue.
>> Longer term, I will ditch parsing the XML configuration file as this is 
>> chasing my tail at best!  After some investigation, I believe I can use:
>>     VBoxManage list vms --long
>> to give me each machine's name, UUID and group.  Hopefully this works as 
>> expected as this is preferable to calling the API via a COM wrapper or the 
>> web server interface.
> My recommendation would be using the Python API bindings since that's rather 
> convenient, balancing flexibility with pretty limited impact from API changes 
> (that said, the Python API bindings may not be available in a certain 
> VirtualBox installation, depending on how annoying the support of a specific 
> Linux distro's Python 2/3 migration strategy is).
> If you insist using "VBoxManage" (one of the main source of useless error 
> reports e.g. from Vagrant fans) then I would at least hope you go for an 
> approach which will be a little more reliable ("VBoxManage list vms --long" 
> produces human readable output, i.e. it can change relatively arbitrarily): 
> go for a two-stage approach. First get the list of VM UUIDs with "VBoxManage 
> list vms", and then get the detail information you need with "VBoxManage 
> showvminfo uuid --machinereadable". The output of the latter should be a lot 
> easier to process. It is kind of a list of shell variables (anything with an 
> all lowercase name is the associated VBoxManage modifyvm option name, 
> anything mixed case has no direct correspondence), with string values 
> possibly containing spaces in "".
> In principle this could be also offered with "VBoxManage list vms --long", 
> but so far no one has thought of this and therefore it wouldn't work for 
> existing VirtualBox releases.
> Klaus
>> Thanks again for the help,
>> Bernard.
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