
Attaching a patch fixing the bug #21516
<> (Cisco CSR 1000v and 8000v does
not recognize interfaces).

It turns out that in src/VBox/Devices/Network/DevVirtioNet.cpp, the
macro PCI_CLASS_BASE_NETWORK_CONTROLLER was set to 0x0200 (0x02 =PCI
Network Device Class ID, 0x00 = Ethernet subclass). However, this macro is
passed to another macro, PDMPciDevSetClassBase, that expects uint8_t as the
PCI device class value. This has caused the virtio-net PCI adapter to be
reported with the PCI class/subclass 0x0000, confusing some host operating

The fix is trivial - set PCI_CLASS_BASE_NETWORK_CONTROLLER to 0x02 instead
of 0x0200.

Please consider integrating this fix at your earliest convenience.

Thank you!

Best regards,

Attachment: virtionet-21516.patch
Description: Binary data

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