> I am trying to build VirtualBox source on my up-to-date archlinux amd-64bit 
> system, which has toolchain versions
> gcc/g++ 13.2.1 20230801
> binutils     2.41.0
> ...
> I have tried building each of  7.0.14a and current trunk checked out by svn,  
>   with different failures in each case,
> but each possibly indicating some kind of incompatibility with one of the 
> compiler/assemblers
> For 7.0.14a ,     what I think is the fatal problem is this :
> ...

I abandoned attempts with this version - the header-file jungle is too complex 
for me!

> for current trunk,       there is no obvious single cause of overall failure  
> -    it is confusing (to me).
> I see four lines at various places all saying
> : error: warnings being treated as errors
> '
> the last of these occurs near the end is is preceded by
> kmk: /usr/lib64/qt6/bin/lrelease: Command not found
> kmk: *** [/opt/VirtualBox-rev102907/kBuild/units/qt6.kmk:612: 
> /opt/VirtualBox-rev102907/out/linux.amd64/release/obj/VirtualBoxAPI/qtnls/VirtualBoxAPI_ru.qm]
>  Error 127
> kmk: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
> : error: warnings being treated as errors
> my system does have qt6 and there is a directory /usr/lib64/qt6/bin with 
> about 20 executables in it,
>  none of which is lrelease whatever that is,      and my system does have an 
> executable file /sbin/lrelease

I created /usr/lib64/qt6/bin/lrelease as a direct link of /sbin/lrelease,
after which the build completed successfully.
I have no idea why VirtualBox build expects that file to exist nor why it is 
(apparently) specifying the full path,
maybe someone could address that?

Cheers,    John Lumby
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