I thought about it, read about it, and toyed with the LDAP idea and I think
it's got a lot of potential for working well for authentication but for the
POP-AUTH type stuff, I don't think it would work well enough on a large
scale system handling hundreds or thousands of updates per minute across a
dozen machines (as my POP servers are doing). 

Also, the LDAP support (per the documentation) for some of my other software
is pretty beta and I don't know LDAP well enough to just jump in head first
and hope I can solve any problems that crop up on a production server. With
.cdb files or MySQL it's pretty easy for me to hack together tweaks that I
need to make all the parts of my mail server play nicely together.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chris Shenton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, January 22, 2001 12:22 PM
> To: Matt Simerson
> Subject: Re: mysql or not.
> "Matt Simerson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Well, I found the breaking point of vpopmail's open-smtp 
> feature to be about
> > 1500 domains (in an NFS environment). The actual breaking 
> point isn't really
> > related to the amount of domains/users but rather how many 
> and how freqently
> > your clients open POP/IMAP sessions. I was forced to move 
> away from .cdb to
> > MySQL for the open-smtp (which required a bit of hacking) 
> portions of
> > vpopmail about a month ago. 
> Have you (or anyone else) tried using vpopmail's integration with
> LDAP?  Putting users/passwords into an LDAP directory seems a better
> match -- SQL's optimized for read/write while LDAP is best at 
> read-mostly.

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