We are looking at the features to add to the vpopmail 5.0 release.

Here are the current major changes we are thinking about

1. vqmail-local support. This means, a new vpopmail program that can
be used to replace qmail-local for sites which are primarily running
vpopmail users/domains. For large volume sites this means one less
fork/exec for email deliveries.

What this means:
a) Kris's additions to vpopmail for qmail-local type processing.
Integrating his work into the current vpopmail archecture.

b) new API's to support add/del/modify of dot-qmail type files.

c) modifications to each authentication module to support dot-qmail
file tile processing

d) backward compatibility to support standard dot-qmail file
setups on current machines.

2. qmailadmin support for new vpopmail api's
a) backward compatibility to read the current dot-qmail files
for mailing lists, forwards, aliases and autoresponders

b) support for the new vpopmail api to get/set dot-qmail information.

3. Code review for efficency

These are the things that are important to me. If anyone here
has things that are important to them, please speak up. Perhaps
what you have to say will solve problems that other people are seeing.

Ken Jones

PS: I think I've got an idea for modifications to sqwebmail/courier-imap
makefiles to support the ~vpopmail/etc/lib-deps and lib-inc file.

I would be interested to hear real world experiences from folks
who are running vpopmail(etc). Perhaps we can figure out what
needs to be changed to make it a better package.

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