Sorry if this is second message, I sent first to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
instead of vchkpw...

Hello all,

I have a little dilemma.  We run a free email service, and some people are
signing up for an account, then sending mass SPAM through overseas third
party open relays foring the From: address that they signed up for.  Then
the bounces (I have over 150000 bounces for one party at over 700M) build
up on my server.  Of course we have deleted the account in question so the
bounces go into my catchall.  Due to the volume, I figured I would
eliminate my catchall and let the bounces bounce due to the user being
disabled.  The problem then is that the bounces also bounce, and end up
back in my postmaster account.

Is there a way to configure qmail/vpopmail to either not accept bounces
for email it never sent, or to discard bounces that bounce instead of
having them go to the postmaster account?

Any advice appreciated.  Of course the real problem lies in the fact that
idiots have open relays and other idiots accept mail from them, but that
is a larger scale problem and I need a quick solution for my servers.  I
imagine others are in the same boat?


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