PHP's configure script has something similiar. At the end of the
configure it creates a config.nice script.  So when you are upgrading
you just have to run ../php-4.0.whatever/config.nice and it configures
your new sources exactly like the old.  Maybe this is a feature that is
dependant on the version of config that the developers use.  I haven't
had the need to play with these packages for any of my projects yet.


-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Valliere [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 08, 2001 7:28 AM
Subject: Re: Upgrading

At 02:17 PM 2/7/2001 -0800, you wrote:

>In the real world, there is NO SUCH THING as upgrading. It basically 
>removes/replaces your old files with the new ones.

I'm afraid I must disagree.  If there were no such thing as upgrading,
when I install a new version of a package (after removing the old, of 
course -- unless it is designed so that the two versions do not conflict

with each other) all of the data created/managed/whatever by the old 
version would be lost (due to removal) and/or obsolete (due to different

software installed).

Any time the manufacturer of a product (software or hardware) alters the

product to raise its quality (or extend its life) that is an upgrade by 
definition (check Webster's if you disagree).

And in fact, it turns out that what I asked for *almost* exists already
config.status).  And now I'm going to suggest a minor improvement to 
configure that will hopefully make its way to people who might implement


It would be great if (a) configure recorded the options used to build a 
package in a format it [configure] could reuse and (b) there were a
line option to tell configure to read those options from a specific file

and/or directory. For example, instead of manually entering all of the 
options (and hoping they match what was used for the previous version)
could enter a command something like this:

   ./configure --use=../vpopmail-4.9/config.opt

Then, any additional options could add (or replace) options from the old


I doubt that this would be difficult to implement, especially for the
of script guru that created configure in the first place.  However, it 
could be of great benefit quite often.

OK, 'nuf said.

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