on 2/28/01 11:18 AM, Matt Simerson at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I noticed this behaviour yesterday with Courier IMAP. When you run configure
> on courier, it attempts to see if the open_smtp_relay function is present in
> the vpopmail library. On my system it is. I hack up vpopmail so that I still
> use .cdb files for authentication but I stuff the open_smtp_relay
> information into a MySQL table. So, I DO in fact have the open_smtp_relay
> functions in the vpopmail lib. Courier's authlib/configure scripts does not
> detect it correctly.
> I fixed it by, after running configure, editing the authlib/preauthvchkpw.c
> and commenting out the if HAVE_OPEN_SMTP_RELAY so that it will update the
> relay table after any successful authentication. Works like a charm.

I had been using Courier IMAP 1.3.1 with cdb just fine (w/ vpopmail 4.9.9).
I upgraded to Courier IMAP 1.3.5 today, and IMAP before SMTP stopped
working.  I commented out:


from preauthvchkpw.c, and now it works with cdb format...  so this is not
just a problem for MySQL users.


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