Ken (et al),

I have a couple modifications I'd like to see in vpopmail-4.9.11. I haven't
seen any of this in the changelogs yet...

First: Bug fix. 

    Fix the vdelivermail crashing problem I described a while back:

       postmaster set's user account bob as default delivery.
       user deletes bob's pop account
       messages delivered by default rule (for bobs maildir) crash

    If a directory is specified for mail delivery, vdelivermail
    should verify that it exists and if not, bounce the message (or
    more useful than a core dump).

Second: Feature request:

    Add a --enable-roaming=y-but-no-cdb option. If enable-roaming is set to
    "y-but-no-cdb" then go ahead and stuff the IP address and timestamp into
the SQL 
    database but don't update the open-smtp file or the tcp.cdb file. I've
    hacked support into tcpserver (publicly available on my web site) to
query the
    MySQL database directly so constantly updating those files is a waste of
CPU and disk.

    Code changes to accomplish this are at:

Third: Feature Request:

    Enhanceme the vpopmail/relay table. Right now it only puts the ip_addr
    and timestamp in the database. I've added another field entitled "name"
    stores the authenticated username. I've also written a few quick PHP 
    scripts that make that table searchable by our tech support team. It's a
    handy tool when a customer complains about not being able to relay:

    "Tech: What's your email address?  (plugs it into the form) Oh, I see
    you've logged in 4 times today but none during the last 1/2 hour. You
    to POP your mail again and THEN you can send messages."  Of course, it's

    useful for a lot more but it's much more convenient to search for than
    IP address the use connected from. Since we're storing the info in a SQL
    we only clean out the table once a day. It's much faster to query than
    log files. :-)

    name char(65) default NULL   is what I'm using and it's also in the
patch file
    listed above.

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