> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2001 1:53 PM
> Subject: Couple of problems..
> Well, this definitely didn't go over as smoothly as I had hoped..and of
> no one called to let me know that until I got back into the office. It's
> so hard to find good help.

First, one should not blame the software or hardware for the ineptitude of
the system operator. 
> Alright, problem 1. All of the users who were under the primary domain
> who only required a username (none of that @ or % stuff)cannot
authenticate at 
> this time. If, however, I add the primary domainname to the users account 
> name..all works well. BUT, this is what I've been trying to avoid!! I do
> want to have to go through and instruct a couple of hundred people on
> their authentication information. That would not be fun.

Did you RTFM?  Liar, go back and read the documenation that comes with the
package. Pay special attention to the first question in the FAQ.

> Second problem, I have two people named fred..with different domains..who
> received each others mail. How the hell does that happen?!?! 

It's your system, you figure it out. Qmail follows a strict set of delivery
rules to determine which domain directory to deliver mail to. Vdelivermail
obeys the vpasswd file. It's pretty darned simple to trace.

> I've spent WAY too much time on this. The old machine worked pretty
> from day one, 

Why then did you touch it?

> and it's only about a year old (I cannot quote from memory at 
> this time as to the versions..but, I know it's not what I was working with

> now). I'm pretty much having the feeling that I should have stuck with the

> versions I had before. I wouldn't have had to go through so much shit with

> wanting to simply setup a new server and port people over from the old
> This software definitely isn't made for such a feat.

Why not?  You're spouting FUD with absolutely no details to demonstrate what
happened, how, configuratations or anything.

This last week I converted a single machine vpopmail installation over to a
clustered system running or 5 machines. I had the system offline for _1_
whole minute while I made the cutover with no loss of mail and an
imperceptible amount of downtime. There are no limitations in the software
that prevent this, just limitations imposed by the incompetence of the

> So, now, anyone have any suggestions on problems 1 and/or 2?  Now that I
have my 
> bitching out of the way, I can safely get back to work.

I don't think I'd agree with the safely part.

> Any help would be appreciated.

Nobody has a chance of helping you. This post contains no relevent details
about either system. How can we see what you screwed up?


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