On Sun, May 13, 2001 at 07:57:24PM -0500, Trey Nolen wrote:

> So, the consensus is that the domain doesn't exist...Any idea what
> might be going on?  BTW, if I try to add the domain again after using
> the vdeldomain command, I get an error that the domain already
> exists!!!

The one thing that I didn't see you mention is the
/var/qmail/users/assign and the /var/qmail/users/cdb file.  I've seen
weird things happen when vpopmail either couldn't read or write that
file.  Check the perms on that.

If that doesn't do it, I would suggest running truss or strace
(depending on your system) against vadddomain and figuring out which
file it reads last before it fails.  That is almost definitely where
your problem lies.


Ben Beuchler                                           There is no spoon.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                            -- The Matrix

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