Awesome, thanks Bill, I needed both of your suggestions to
get it working.  After making the first change and rebuilding,
that made it start writing out the open-smtp file in the
~vpopmail/etc directory which it hadn't been doing.  Of
course the file was owned by root.  So then I used your
second suggestions and set the -user=vpopmail to get it
owned by the correct user.  So problem solved.



-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Shupp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, June 22, 2001 3:37 PM
To: Hubbard, David
Subject: Re: Courier IMAP v1.3.8.2 not setting smtp-relay in vpopmail

There's an #ifdef around the open_smtp statements in
authlib/preauthvchkpw.c.  In earlier versions, the configure script wasn't
detecting that roaming users was enabled.  My solution (that I got from this
list) is to comment out the #ifdef and corresponding #endif around the
open_smtp parts.  Then recompile and it should work again if it is the same

One other issue is to make sure courier imap is running as vpopmail.  You'll
need to edit the couriertcpd rc file to specify a non-root user.  But if
vpopmail is running as the vpopmail user, then it can't edit the open-smtp
file after courier-imap has modified it and left it owned by root.


Bill Shupp

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