> Hello,
> Now how does SqWebMail find out where the vpopmail-password files 
> are located?

With the right authmodule.

> Which rights do SqWebMail's CGI-Script must have that it can read 
> the password
> file?

None specially.

> Are there any parameters besides --enable-webpass=vpopmail that 
> have to be set?

Yes, read the Install file about the authmodules.

> Is there anything in vpopmail-config that has to be reconfigured 
> for SqWebMail?


You have to set the authmodule / compile, as stated in the INSTALL file.

* VPOPMAIL authentication
     * --without-module  -  explicitly  disable  an authentication module
       named  "module".  Example:  --without-authpam.  See below for more
       details. (read   Available authentication modules:)
     * --enable-webpass=vpopmail  -  use the vpopmail.a library to change
       passwords  (this will only work if the virtual userid used for the
       accounts also owns the vpopmail password database).
     * authvchkpw  -  this  module  is  compiled  by  default only if the
       vpopmail account is defined.

Hope it helps.
Cordiali saluti / Best regards
Andrea Cerrito
Net.Admin @ Centro MultiMediale di Terni S.p.A.
P.zzale Bosco 3A
05100 Terni IT
Tel. +39 0744 5441330
Fax. +39 0744 5441372

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