Hello Ken,

On Wednesday, August 01, 2001 at 9:02:46 PM you wrote:

>> Why not using a 'dereferral' page? One of the biggest german freemailer had a
>> similar problem with session data in referrer string and they build a good
>> working dereferral page that is not given the session data in query string but
>> only the target url.

> How does that work?

Instead of linking directly to "http://www.inter7.com/qmailadmin/"; what would
eventually send the referrer to 'www.inter7.com' link to e.g.


'http://localhost/cgi-bin/qmailadmin' is of course the location of local
qmailadmin installation (should be know to the cgi, shouldn't it *g*)

As you can see the 'normal' parameters 'user', 'time' & 'dom' are not present
so they can not be given in the referrer string.
function 'com->redirect' in qmailadmin now simply take the '$PATH_INFO'
(which is a standard Apache Environment variable), strips the leading '/' and
URL-decodes it. Than is does a simple Header-301 (Location changed) to the
resulting string and the client goes redirected.

HTH, for further questions don't hesitate to write :-)
Best regards
Peter Palmreuther                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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