On Wednesday, October 24, 2001, at 10:22 AM, Jose Luis Ocaranza wrote:

> hie everybody !!
> recently i installed qmail+vpopmail+sqwebmail+vadmin on a SuSe
> 7.0 box, and everything runs smoothly.. but i have this question :
> vpopmail, logs the fail logins attemps to a file /var/log/mail, like 
> this:
> Oct 24 22:47:28 eserver2 vpopmail[17506]: vchkpw: vpopmail user
> not found danield@:200.41.xxx.xxx
> Oct 24 22:47:33 eserver2 vpopmail[17508]: vchkpw: vpopmail user
> not found danield@:200.41.xxx.xxx
> is there a way to make vpopmail to log the succesfulls logins too in
> the same file or at another one ??.
> thanks in advance..

You'll find your answer here:

./configure --help | grep enable-logging

Also, I log POP info to /var/log/pop.log.  An easy way to do this is to 
change the logging facility in vchkpw.c from LOG_MAIL to LOG_LOCAL0 (or 
whichever one you want..) and recompile.  Then tell syslog to log 
local0.* to /var/log/pop.log.  Just don't forget to rotate it... ; )  
With qmail logging to /var/log/qmail/current and courier-imap logging to 
/var/log/mail, I now have all three mail services segregated.  Cool, huh?


Bill Shupp

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