I'm using the older vpopmail (4.10.? I think) and it created 3 tables in
mysql -- dir_control (stores domain info), relay (appears to be pop before
smtp info), and vpopmail (all individual user info).  I must say that this
thing, along with qmadmin, vqregister and vqadmin was a real nightmare to
set up and get working properly, but it seems to work flawlessly.  Using
mysql is expecially nice with something like the mysql server admin in
webmin.  The only real snag that I see is still vqregister's failure to
recognize the existence of aliases.  Guess vqregister isn't being upgraded

Even though I run Linux, these toaster howtos were a real lifesaver -
http://matt.simerson.net/computing/mail.shtml  I believe I followed mainly
toater 1.5 with mysql.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jason Brunk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2001 2:02 AM
Subject: VQRegister

> Well, everyone, i am making wonderful progress thanks to your help.  Here
> a simple question dealing with vqregister, if there is a different place
> post this message let me know.
> I have my website hosted on one machine and my mail server is the other
> machine.  I have the vqregister working great, but i have 2 questions.
> 1.  when it sends the email out to tell someone that they successfully
> created a new account, it gives the link to go to
> www.domain.com/cgi-bin/sqwebmail  but that actual location should be
> MAIL.domain.com/cgi-bin/sqwebmail
> just wondering if someone could help me fix that.
> 2.  in my config file i set up everything for connecting to my MySQL
> but it doesn't seem to be using it at all, it says it will create the
> databases but i do not quite understand what it uses the mysql for.  thank
> you for your help.
> jason

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