At 05:43 PM 12/2/2001 -0500, you wrote:

More to add to this....

if I telnet to smtp
It wont' accept a user to send mail to.  but keep in mind.. it works for 
all other virtual domains..

502 unimplemented (#5.5.1)

Any thoughts ???

>I have qmail and vpopmail and courier-imap for checking mail (both pop and 
>imap )
>working great now.. except that I have one local domain
>When I remove the domain from the locals file and add it in with vadddomain
>everything seems ok.. files are created it appears in the virtualdomains 
>file and
>I can access it with qmailadmin.. there are 2 problems though.......
>1) the domain doesn't show up where my other domains are...
>they are all in /var/spool/mail/domains/
>it appears in the  vpopmail domain dir (/var/spool/mail/popmail/domains/) 
>.. I can't remember how
>I got the other ones to appear in a different dir ??? any thoughts..
>2) more importantly.. I can't receive mail.. mail doesn't seem to bounce.. 
>it just disappears.
>    I can logg in and check mail but nothing is there.. nothing get's 
> written to the dirs either..
>    all this time the other domains are functioning fine..
>This is really fustrating.. since I've seen the ease of virtual domains 
>this remaining local domain
>is a real pain.
>Can anyone shed some light on this ????

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