Hi Joeffrey,

On Fri, 25 Oct 2002 17:25:50 +0800
"Joeffrey Betita" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> i'm a newbie can you help me installing, configuring vpopmail. step by
> step. thanks for your help.

I guess it's rather simple: read the file 'INSTALL' and the mentioned
'REAME.*' files in source directory.

You told you receive the mails directed to
username@<any_of_your_domains>, so you must already have a setup. Is
this already vpopmail or are you trying to move from <whatever> to
vpopmail? If so: what is '<whatever>' for a system? Which
vpopmail-version are you trying to set up? What problem exactly do you
have_after_ reading 'INSTALL' and 'REAMDE.*'?
What's your basic system data (e.g. OS, compiler, etc.)?

P.S.: Please consider _not_ writing your answer above original message.
It firstly makes it harder to follow the thread for third parties (that
might want to step in later to help with a concrete question) and
additionally it prvokes a full quote of original message which is a
waste of bandwidth and a show stopper for getting a quick overview of
the whole thread. Trim your quotes to the absolute necessary, this way
e-mails will be kept short and clear.

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