
cyrille wrote:

> admin a écrit:
> > Hi,
> > I am using vpopmail and it is working very wekk for me.
> >
> > I the FAQ I found the next question:
> > ****
> > I don't want to bounce emails for non existent users. Instead I want
> >     to delete them, how?
> > ****
> >
> > and also the answer.
> >
> > But I will not to delete this mails.
> > If possible I will that vpopmail checks for the user before
> > to receive the rest of the message.
> > If the user do not exists I will to break the mail receiving for this
> > message.
> >
> > The reason is that we receive many unneedet messages for "old users"
> > and will not to use the chanel for thiss traffic.
> >
> > Is it possible to make it with vpopmail?
> >
> replace
> .qmail-default:
> | /home/vpopmail/bin/vdelivermail '' bounce-no-mailbox
> by
> .qmail-default:
> | /home/vpopmail/bin/vdelivermail '' delete
> is that you wanted ??

I think no.This one will delete the message after it receiving.
I will to stop the reveive after checking the user.


> cyrille

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