Vu "Re: [vchkpw] Password fail with specific MUA (", du 14/03/03 à 13:40 +1030 :
What method of connecting are your users using? Just plain old POP or what?

I was using plain POP with password auth. I just tried IMAP (with plain password too), and I *don't* get the errors :

Mar 14 12:32:54 ns3167 imapd: Connection, ip=[::ffff:]
Mar 14 12:32:54 ns3167 imapd: LOGIN, [EMAIL PROTECTED], ip=[::ffff:]
Mar 14 12:32:57 ns3167 imapd: Connection, ip=[::ffff:]
Mar 14 12:32:57 ns3167 imapd: LOGIN, [EMAIL PROTECTED], ip=[::ffff:]

I'm running the latest versions of OS X and, they are Mac OS X v10.2.4 and Mail 1.2.3 (v551)

Me too.

The only difference between our two logs I cab see is the fact that when I fetch mail on a other MUA than, I don't get a log entry at all.
And also no trace of 'pop3d'.

Sorry if this sounds silly, I don't know much (yet) about vpopmail.

ned's key ID is 0x35359C2B

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