> At 10:59 07.03.05 -0500, you wrote:
>>I've recently upgraded to vpopmail-5.4.9 and am having problems with
>>authentication. Users are getting a error claiming the user or passwd is
>>incorrect. Strangely, the error occurs only when logging in with IMAP
>> like
>>'SquirrelMail' or even qmailadmin not with pop like 'outlook'.
>>After resetting the passwd (to the existing one) with ./vpasswd, the
>>problem is temporarily resolved.
>>I've looked at the 'UPGRADE' file and noticed a patch:
>> qmail-smtpd-auth-0.4.2
> You have to install the patch in the original qmail-1.03 directory.
> The installation script is missing those files mentioned above.
I've successfully installed the patch and am still having trouble logging
in. I'm forced to reset passwds to gain access. The problem is random and
causing me much grief with my clients.

Any help is appreciated.


Ron Dyck

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