Hello Glenn,

On Thursday, April 28, 2005 at 11:44:06 PM Glenn wrote:

>> *exactly*? Compile qmail without and '-O' and with '-g2' and run
>> qmail-smtpd in 'dbg' (or similar).
>> Use 'strace' or 'truss' (with "follow fork" option) 

> I'm obviously abit over my head here on the Linux platform. :-) I don't
> have truss or dbg on my machine. I have strace however but I didn't get
> any smarter. Removed -O2 from conf-cc, touched *.c and ran make but
> strace didn't display anything more.

'truss' is (can be) present on Unix while Linux has 'strace'. As I
didn't know which system you're on I gave you both commands.

Please execute 'strace' as follows:

strace -fF -o /tmp/qmail-smtpd.log -s 4096 ./qmail-smtpd

and post the (complete) file /tpm/qmail-smtpd.log (as text attachment).
Best regards
Peter Palmreuther

Never put off till tomorrow what you can ignore entirely.

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