On Friday 17 June 2005 15:47, Bruno Negrão wrote:
> > Documentation is wrong (I'll correct it soon): '.' and '=' are
> > accepted in format controls.

Sorry I didn't read this message before my last reply asking about 

> Guys, with the "valid characters" now being:
> user    =       [a-z0-9_-.=]
> domain  =       [a-z0-9-.=] with not consecutive "-.", not
> leading or ending "-."
> Maybe now they are cover the majority of the real life messages,
> is that right?

Domains ending with . are perfectly valid (and technically more 
correct as . is the root domain).  I don't know how common it is 
for people to type a trailing dot on email addresses, but I do it 
all the time (and on this message too, just to prove a point).

Casey Allen Shobe | http://casey.shobe.info
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | cell 425-443-4653
AIM & Yahoo:  SomeLinuxGuy | ICQ:  1494523
SeattleServer.com, Inc. | http://www.seattleserver.com

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