Rick Macdougall wrote:

Anton Butsyk wrote:

Shane Chrisp wrote:

On Fri, 2005-07-01 at 19:49 +0300, Anton Butsyk wrote:

For now only 11 connections to qmail:

97 processes:  11 running, 86 sleeping
CPU states: 95.7% user, 0.0% nice, 2.0% system, 2.3% interrupt, 0.0% idle
Mem: 53M Active, 53M Inact, 46M Wired, 59M Buf, 329M Free
Swap: 1024M Total, 1024M Free

PID USERNAME PRI NICE SIZE RES STATE TIME WCPU CPU COMMAND 818 root 124 0 3244K 2332K RUN 0:44 9.08% 9.08% qmail-smtpd 827 root 123 0 3244K 2332K RUN 0:19 9.08% 9.08% qmail-smtpd 820 root 124 0 3244K 2332K RUN 0:29 9.03% 9.03% qmail-smtpd 825 root 123 0 3244K 2332K RUN 0:24 9.03% 9.03% qmail-smtpd 831 root 123 0 3244K 2332K RUN 0:17 9.04% 9.03% qmail-smtpd 833 root 123 0 3244K 2332K RUN 0:16 9.04% 9.03% qmail-smtpd 828 root 123 0 3244K 2332K RUN 0:18 8.99% 8.98% qmail-smtpd 849 root 123 0 3244K 2332K RUN 0:09 8.88% 8.64% qmail-smtpd 851 root 123 0 3244K 2332K RUN 0:06 9.46% 8.64% qmail-smtpd


As Tom stated earlier, you don't appear to have run the make tmprsadh as a lot of .pem files didn't show up in the ls of /var/qmail/control that you posted earlier.

Make sure you run the make tmprsadh in the netqmail directory and make sure you add the /var/qmail/bin/update_tmprsadh to your crontab to run once a day.




Thank you for advice.
Script update_tmprsadh adds rsa512.pem, dh512.pem, dh1024.pem into /var/qmail/control dir.

( update_tmprsadh:
   lines: 12, 18, 24  chown vpopmail.qmail  - incorrect for *BSD
   man: chown [-fhv] [-R [-H | -L | -P]] owner[:group] file ...)

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