Dave Richardson wrote:
Keep in mind that netqmail and qmailrocks are MODIFIED source code distributions from the REAL qmail code.

I believe Tonino (Tonix) derives his patches for 'chkuser' against qmail unmodified. As a result, you need to do some smart hunting. I have been successful at manually patching net-qmail 1.05 (?) with chkuser 2.0b (?) manually. It's about 20 minutes of effort since about half the patches apply correctly.

Maybe someone has integrated chkuser patch into one of the re-rolled source kits?


Bill Shupp's Toaster includes it as part of his big patch against netqmail 1.05.

If you are using Qmailrocks toaster you may want to look at using Bill's instead as it contains everything you might need in one nice setup.


(Note: It seems the qmailrocks author is still sym linking clamscan to clamdscan and using clamscan as the default scanner. This will GREATLY increase your overhead for no good reason and if you run a reasonably busy mail server it will grind to a halt because of this.)



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