Greetings, I hope this is ok to post to this list, I'm not sure where to ask 
and this seems my best option.

I've got qmail + vpopmail + simscan + spamassassin running as installed by 
Inter7. Everything works great but I'm having a small problem with the 
spamassassin, Bayes and autolearning.

The problem is that spamd won't read the Bayes files for scanning, and then 
can't write to them for autolearning. I've tracked it down to a permissons 
problem, I'm just not sure how to resolve it with all the players involved.

My Bayes files in /etc/mail/spamassassin are all 0770 and I've set 
bayes_file_mode in to 0770, per the SpamAssassin Wiki for 
SiteWideBayesSetup. After making this change spamd now checks and uses BAYES* 
rules; I see this in my log files and in email headers. 

But, I still get nothing but autolearn=failed. I tried setting 
the /etc/mail/spamassassin/bayes* files to 0777 and still no luck. In 
desperation just changed the whole /etc/mail/spamassassin directory to 0777. 
That worked, I immediately started seeing autolearn=spam and autolearn=ham in 
my log files.

So, then, my question is what should I change to safely allow spamd to do it's 
work? Currently it's being called by simscan setuid=qmaill, but I don't know 
that I can change that to something else without breaking everything?

Any advice or help is appreciated. Please forgive the long message. If this is 
the wrong place to ask please let me know where I should ask.


Rob Wright

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