On 2007-09-19, at 1513, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
i downloaded
http://downloads.sourceforge.net/vpopmail/vpopmail-5.4.22.tar.gz ...
./configure ...

    vpopmail 5.4.21
            Current settings
That is version 21 or 22?
i could not understand?

there's a typo in 5.4.22. if you're really worried about it...

- expand the source
- edit "configure.in" and edit the AC_INIT line to have the right version number
- run "autoconf"

then run your "./configure" command line again.

| John M. Simpson    ---   KG4ZOW   ---    Programmer At Large |
| http://www.jms1.net/                         <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> |
| http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1656880303867390173 |

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