Thank you.

I tried to change 40 000 000 to 60 000 000, seems to be enough. It
seems that my new installation needs a higher soft limit because I
went from a 32bits architecture to a 64bits one...

Again, thank you!

On Sun, Jun 24, 2012 at 2:53 PM, Rick Macdougall <> wrote:
> On 23/06/2012 6:23 PM, Stéphane Dupont wrote:
>> Thank you, it worked!
>> ... it was 40000000, I put 400000000. Isn't it too much ? What's the
>> implication of this ?
> Yah, that's a little high unless you have 16 gigs of ram in the machine.
>  The implication is a DDOS using up all your ram.
> I use 12000000 on my machines without a problem.
> Having you add an extra zero was just a quick way of checking to see if
> qmail-queue had enough ram to launch simscan and clamd.
> Regards,
> Rick


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