Author: arkurth
Date: Mon Oct 26 19:35:25 2009
New Revision: 829918

Added disclaimer to notifying user of the licenses the 
Perl modules which the script downloads and installs are distributed under. The 
user has to enter YES in order for the script to run.

Added to Management Node Perl Modules section in README:
-blurb about the types of licenses the dependency modules are distributed under
-the license type and URL for each Perl module dependency

Added URI and Scalar-List-Utils to list of Perl module dependencies. These 
needed to be added after uninstalling and reinstalling Perl while testing Updated the versions of some of the Perl modules. Added 
perl-DBD-MySQL to Management Node Backend section in README. I noticed I had to 
install this separately when testing the changes to


Modified: incubator/vcl/trunk/README
--- incubator/vcl/trunk/README (original)
+++ incubator/vcl/trunk/README Mon Oct 26 19:35:25 2009
@@ -1,92 +1,141 @@
-ASF Inubation Disclaimer: Apache VCL is an effort undergoing incubation at the
-Apache Software Foundation (ASF), sponsored by the Apache Incubator PMC.
-Incubation is required of all newly accepted projects until a further review
-indicates that the infrastructure, communications, and decision making process
-have stabilized in a manner consistent with other successful ASF projects. 
-incubation status is not necessarily a reflection of the completeness or
-stability of the code, it does indicate that the project has yet to be fully
-endorsed by the ASF.
-Web Frontend:
-Apache HTTP Server v1.3 or v2.x with SSL enabled
-php 5.0 or later
-php modules (some of these may be built in for your distro):
-- php-gd
-- php-json
-- php-mcrypt
-- php-mysql
-- php-openssl
-- php-sysvsem
-- php-xml
-- php-xmlrpc
-libmcrypt and mcrypt libraries installed for php-mcrypt
-Dojo Toolkit 0.4.0
-Dojo Toolkit 1.1.0
-MySQL 5.0 or later
-Management Node Backend:
-- OS - tested on CentOS 5, RedHat Advanced Server 4&5, RedHat Fedora Core
+ASF Inubation Disclaimer: Apache VCL is an effort undergoing incubation at the
+Apache Software Foundation (ASF), sponsored by the Apache Incubator PMC.
+Incubation is required of all newly accepted projects until a further review
+indicates that the infrastructure, communications, and decision making process
+have stabilized in a manner consistent with other successful ASF projects. 
+incubation status is not necessarily a reflection of the completeness or
+stability of the code, it does indicate that the project has yet to be fully
+endorsed by the ASF.
+Web Frontend:
+Apache HTTP Server v1.3 or v2.x with SSL enabled
+php 5.0 or later
+php modules (some of these may be built in for your distro):
+- php-gd
+- php-json
+- php-mcrypt
+- php-mysql
+- php-openssl
+- php-sysvsem
+- php-xml
+- php-xmlrpc
+libmcrypt and mcrypt libraries installed for php-mcrypt
+Dojo Toolkit 0.4.0
+Dojo Toolkit 1.1.0
+MySQL 5.0 or later
+Management Node Backend:
+- OS - tested on CentOS 5, RedHat Advanced Server 4&5, RedHat Fedora Core
 - MySQL 5 client
-- Nmap - security scanner
-- OpenSSH client - all tested OS's had this installed by default
-- Perl 5.8.0 or later
-Management Node Perl Modules:
-The following Perl modules are available from CPAN ( Some of the
-required modules may be built into your Perl distribution. A script is provided
-which attempts to install the Perl modules. See the "Installing Required Perl
-modules" section of the INSTALLATION file.
-- MailTools 2.04
-- Class-Data-Inheritable 0.08
-- Devel-StackTrace 1.20
-- Exception-Class 1.26
-- Object-InsideOut 3.52
-- Module-Build 0.30
-- Net-XMPP 1.02
-- GSSAPI 0.26
-- Digest-SHA1 2.12
-- Digest-HMAC 1.01
-- GBARR/Authen-SASL 2.12
-- XML-Stream 1.22
-- Net-Jabber 2.0
-- YAML 0.68
-- RPC-XML 0.64
-- XML-Parser 2.36
-- Crypt-SSLeay 0.57
-- Compress-Raw-Zlib 2.020
-- IO-Compress 2.020
-- DBI 1.609
-- libwww-perl 5.827
-- HTTP-Headers
-Management Node Backend Conditional Dependencies:
-Both bare-metal and virtual machine provisioning require a dhcp server
-running on the management node listening on the private network.
-Physical/Bare-metal provisioning.
-If you want to provision bare-metal or pysical computers such as
-blades. You will need xCAT setup and working. This release supports
-either xCAT 1.3 or xCAT 2.1. This is useful for very large setups, very
-custom environments, HPC intergration, automating vmhost servers eith
-ESX standard or VMWare Free Server.
-VMware Virtual machine provisioing.
-If you want to provision virtual machines on ESX or ESXi, you will need
-the VMware vsphere toolkit. This toolkit can be obtained from:
-This toolkit is a set of perl modules.
-The toolkit is not required if using Vmware Free server 1.x.
-Windows XP/2003/Vista/2008
-If provisioning Windows OS, you will need the following:
-- Sysprep - used for preparing Windows environments before an image is captured
-- NewSID - used for preparing Windows environments before an image is captured
-- SPDrvScn - used for scanning device drivers for Windows environments before 
-  image is captured
-You will need to copy these files to the <vcl/tools/> directory per the
-install instructions in the INSTALLATION file.
+- perl-DBD-MySQL
+- Nmap - security scanner
+- OpenSSH client - all tested OS's had this installed by default
+- Perl 5.8.0 or later
+Management Node Perl Modules:
+The Perl modules listed below are available from CPAN ( and are
+distributed under one or more of the following licenses:
+- The "Artistic License"
+- GNU General Public License (GPL)
+- GNU Library or "Lesser" General Public License (LGPL)
+Some of the required modules may be built into your distribution. A script is
+provided which attempts to install the Perl modules. See the "Installing
+Required Perl modules" section of the INSTALLATION file.
+- MailTools
+  License: Perl (Artistic and GPL)
+- Class-Data-Inheritable
+  License: Perl (Artistic and GPL)
+- Devel-StackTrace
+  License: Perl (Artistic and GPL)
+- Exception-Class
+  License: Perl (Artistic and GPL)
+- Object-InsideOut
+  License: Perl (Artistic and GPL)
+- Module-Build
+  License: Perl (Artistic and GPL)
+- Net-XMPP
+  License: (LGPL)
+  License: Perl (Artistic and GPL)
+- Digest-SHA1
+  License: Perl (Artistic and GPL)
+- Authen-SASL
+  License: Perl (Artistic and GPL)
+- XML-Stream
+  License: Perl (Artistic and GPL)
+- Net-Jabber
+  License: Perl (Artistic and GPL)
+  License: Perl (Artistic and GPL)
+  License: Perl (Artistic and LGPL)
+- XML-Parser
+  License: Perl (Artistic and GPL)
+- Crypt-SSLeay
+  License: Perl (Artistic and GPL)
+- Compress-Raw-Zlib
+  License: Perl (Artistic and GPL)
+- IO-Compress
+  License: Perl (Artistic and GPL) 
+- DBI
+  License: Perl (Artistic and GPL) 
+- libwww-perl
+  License: Perl (Artistic and GPL)
+- URI
+  License: Perl (Artistic and GPL)
+- Scalar-List-Utils
+  License: Perl (Artistic and GPL)
+Management Node Backend Conditional Dependencies:
+Both bare-metal and virtual machine provisioning require a dhcp server
+running on the management node listening on the private network.
+Physical/Bare-metal provisioning.
+If you want to provision bare-metal or pysical computers such as
+blades. You will need xCAT setup and working. This release supports
+either xCAT 1.3 or xCAT 2.1. This is useful for very large setups, very
+custom environments, HPC intergration, automating vmhost servers eith
+ESX standard or VMWare Free Server.
+VMware Virtual machine provisioing.
+If you want to provision virtual machines on ESX or ESXi, you will need
+the VMware vsphere toolkit. This toolkit can be obtained from:
+This toolkit is a set of perl modules.
+The toolkit is not required if using Vmware Free server 1.x.
+Windows XP/2003/Vista/2008
+If provisioning Windows OS, you will need the following:
+- Sysprep - used for preparing Windows environments before an image is captured
+- NewSID - used for preparing Windows environments before an image is captured
+- SPDrvScn - used for scanning device drivers for Windows environments before 
+  image is captured
+You will need to copy these files to the <vcl/tools/> directory per the
+install instructions in the INSTALLATION file.

Modified: incubator/vcl/trunk/managementnode/bin/
--- incubator/vcl/trunk/managementnode/bin/ (original)
+++ incubator/vcl/trunk/managementnode/bin/ Mon Oct 26 
19:35:25 2009
@@ -40,40 +40,63 @@
 use warnings;
 use diagnostics;
-my $download_directory= '/tmp/perl-modules';
-if (-e $download_directory) {
-       #unlink $download_directory;
+my $disclaimer .= <<"EOF";
+*** NOTICE ***
+This script will download and install Perl modules distributed under
+the following licenses:
+- The "Artistic License"
+- GNU General Public License (GPL)
+- GNU Library or "Lesser" General Public License (LGPL)
+See the README file for more information.
+print $disclaimer;
+while (1) {
+       print 'Type YES to proceed, type NO to abort: ';
+       my $input = <>;
+       if ($input =~ /^\s*YES\s*$/i) {
+               last;
+       }
+       elsif ($input =~ /^\s*NO\s*$/i) {
+               exit;
+       }
+       else {
+               next;
+       }
+my $download_directory= '/tmp/perl-modules';
 mkdir $download_directory;
 my @module_urls = (
-       '',
-       '',
+       '',
+       '',
+       '',
 # Loop through each URL
@@ -89,19 +112,20 @@
        my ($module_package) = $module_name =~ /([^\/]+)-[\d\.]+$/;
        $module_package =~ s/-/::/g;
-       # Fix module package names
+       # Fix module package names and set arguments as necessary
        if ($module_name =~ /libwww-perl/) {
                $module_package = "Bundle::LWP";
        elsif ($module_name =~ /MailTools/) {
                $module_package = "Mail::Mailer";
-       elsif ($module_name =~ /TimeDate/) {
-               $module_package = "Date::Parse";
-       }
        elsif ($module_name =~ /IO-Compress/) {
                $module_package = "Compress::Zlib";
+       elsif ($module_name =~ /Scalar-List-Utils/) {
+               $module_package = "Scalar::Util";
+       }
        print "Module package: $module_package\n";
        if (!module_installed($module_package)) {
@@ -130,8 +154,9 @@
        my $output = `perl -M$module_package -e '' 2>&1`;
        my $exit_status = $? >> 8;
+       #print "Checked if $module_package is installed, 
-       if ($output !~ /Can't locate/i) {
+       if ($output !~ /Can't locate/) {
                print "Module is already installed: $module_package\n";
                return 1;

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