Author: arkurth
Date: Mon Jan 11 18:14:14 2010
New Revision: 897984

Added get_product_key, set_product_key, get_kms_servers, and set_kms_server 
subroutines to They get/set data from the winProductKey and winKMS 


Modified: incubator/vcl/trunk/managementnode/lib/VCL/Module/OS/
--- incubator/vcl/trunk/managementnode/lib/VCL/Module/OS/ (original)
+++ incubator/vcl/trunk/managementnode/lib/VCL/Module/OS/ Mon Jan 11 
18:14:14 2010
@@ -8150,6 +8150,462 @@
+=head2 get_product_key
+ Parameters  : $affiliation_identifier (optional), $product_name (optional)
+ Returns     : If successful: string containing product key
+               If failed: false
+ Description : Retrieves the Windows product key from the database. This is
+               stored in the winProductKey table.
+               Optional affiliation identifier and product name arguments may 
+               passed. Either both arguments must be passed or none. The
+               affiliation identifier may either be an affiliation ID or name.
+               If passed, the only data returned will be the data matching that
+               specific identifier. Global affiliation data will not be
+               returned.
+               If the affiliation identifier argument is not passed, the
+               affiliation is determined by the affiliation of the owner of the
+               image for the reservation. If a product key has not been
+               configured for that specific affiliation, the product key
+               configured for the Global affiliation is returned.
+sub get_product_key {
+       my $self = shift;
+       if (ref($self) !~ /windows/i) {
+               notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine was called as a 
function, it must be called as a class method");
+               return;
+       }
+       # Remember if this sub was called with arguments
+       # Used to determine whether or not Global activation data will be 
+       # If affiliation ID argument is specified, assume caller only wants the 
data for that affiliation and not the Global data
+       my $include_global;
+       if (scalar(@_) == 2) {
+               $include_global = 0;
+               notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "subroutine was called with 
arguments, global affiliation data will be ignored");
+       }
+       elsif (scalar(@_) == 0) {
+               $include_global = 1;
+               notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "subroutine was NOT called with 
arguments, global affiliation data will be included");
+       }
+       else {
+               notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "subroutine argument count = " . 
scalar(@_) . ", it must only be called with 0 or 2 arguments");
+               return;
+       }
+       # Get the affiliation identifer, may be ID or name
+       my $affiliation_identifier = shift;
+       if (!defined($affiliation_identifier)) {
+               $affiliation_identifier = 
+       }
+       if (!defined($affiliation_identifier)) {
+               notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "affiliation identifier argument 
was not passed and could not be determined from image");
+               return;
+       }
+       # Get the product name, could be:
+       # "Microsoft Windows XP"
+       # "Microsoft Windows Server 2003"
+       my $product_name = shift || $self->get_product_name();
+       if ($product_name) {
+               notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "product name: $product_name");
+       }
+       else {
+               notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "product name argument was not 
passed and could not be determined from computer");
+               return;
+       }
+       # Create the affiliation-specific select statement
+       # Check if the affiliation identifier is a number or word
+       # If a number, use directly
+       # If a word, reference
+       my $affiliation_select_statement;
+       if ($affiliation_identifier =~ /^\d+$/) {
+               notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "affiliation identifier is a 
number, retrieving winProductKey.affiliationid=$affiliation_identifier");
+               $affiliation_select_statement = <<EOF;
+winProductKey.productname LIKE '$product_name'
+AND winProductKey.affiliationid = $affiliation_identifier
+       }
+       else {
+               notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "affiliation identifier is NOT a 
number, retrieving$affiliation_identifier");
+               $affiliation_select_statement = <<EOF;
+winProductKey.productname LIKE '$product_name'
+AND winProductKey.affiliationid =
+AND LIKE '$affiliation_identifier'
+       }
+       # Create the select statement
+       my $global_select_statement = <<EOF;
+winProductKey.productname LIKE '$product_name'
+AND winProductKey.affiliationid =
+AND LIKE 'Global'
+       # Call the database select subroutine
+       my @affiliation_rows = database_select($affiliation_select_statement);
+       # Get the rows for the Global affiliation if this subroutine wasn't 
called with arguments
+       my @global_rows = ();
+       if ($include_global) {
+               @global_rows = database_select($global_select_statement);
+       }
+       # Create an array containing the combined rows
+       my @combined_rows = (@affiliation_rows, @global_rows);
+       # Check to make sure rows were returned
+       if (!...@combined_rows) {
+               notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "0 rows were retrieved from 
winProductKey table for affiliation=$affiliation_identifier, 
+               return;
+       }
+       notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "retrieved rows from winProductKey table 
for affiliation=$affiliation_identifier, product=$product_name:\n" . 
+       my $product_key = $combined_rows[0]->{productkey};
+       notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "returning product key: $product_key");
+       return $product_key;
+=head2 set_product_key
+ Parameters  : $affiliation_id, $product_name, $product_key
+ Returns     : If successful: true
+               If failed: false
+ Description : Inserts or updates a row in the winKMS table in the database.
+sub set_product_key {
+       my $self = shift;
+       if (ref($self) !~ /windows/i) {
+               notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine was called as a 
function, it must be called as a class method");
+               return;
+       }
+       # Get and check the arguments
+       my ($affiliation_identifier, $product_name, $product_key) = @_;
+       if (!defined($affiliation_identifier) || !defined($product_name) || 
!defined($product_key)) {
+               notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "affiliation ID, product name, 
and product key arguments not passed correctly");
+               return;
+       }
+       # Create the insert statement
+       # Check if the affiliation identifier is a number or word
+       # If a number, set directly
+       # If a word, reference
+       my $insert_statement;
+       if ($affiliation_identifier =~ /^\d+$/) {
+               notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "affiliation identifier is a 
number, setting winProductKey.affiliationid=$affiliation_identifier");
+               $insert_statement = <<"EOF";
+INSERT INTO winProductKey
+       }
+       else {
+               notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "affiliation identifier is NOT a 
number, setting$affiliation_identifier");
+               $insert_statement = <<"EOF";
+INSERT INTO winProductKey
+(SELECT id FROM affiliation WHERE name='$affiliation_identifier'),
+       }
+       # Execute the insert statement, the return value should be the id of 
the row
+       my $insert_result = database_execute($insert_statement);
+       if (defined($insert_result)) {
+               notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "set product key in 
database:\naffiliation ID: $affiliation_identifier\nproduct name: 
$product_name\nproduct key: $product_key");
+       }
+       else {
+               notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to set product key in 
database:\naffiliation ID: $affiliation_identifier\nproduct name: 
$product_name\nproduct key: $product_key");
+               return;
+       }
+       return 1;
+=head2 get_kms_servers
+ Parameters  : $affiliation_identifier (optional)
+ Returns     : If successful: reference to array of hashes
+               If failed: false
+ Description : Retrieves the KMS server data from the database. This is
+               stored in the winKMS table.
+               An optional affiliation identifier argument may be passed. This
+               may either be an affiliation ID or name. If passed, the only 
+               returned will be the data matching that specific identifier.
+               Global affiliation data will not be returned.
+               If the affiliation identifier argument is not passed, the
+               affiliation is determined by the affiliation of the owner of the
+               image for the reservation. If a KMS server has not been
+               configured for that specific affiliation, the KMS server
+               configured for the Global affiliation is returned.
+               This subroutine returns an array reference. Each array element
+               contains a hash reference representing a row in the winKMS 
+               Example of returned data:
+               @{$kms_servers}[0] =
+                  |--{address} = ''
+                  |--{affiliationid} = '1'
+                  |--{port} = '1688'
+               @{$kms_servers}[1] =
+                  |--{address} = ''
+                  |--{affiliationid} = '0'
+                  |--{port} = '1688'
+               Example usage:
+               my $kms_servers = $self->os->get_kms_servers();
+               my $kms_address = @{$kms_servers[0]}->{address};
+sub get_kms_servers {
+       my $self = shift;
+       if (ref($self) !~ /windows/i) {
+               notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine was called as a 
function, it must be called as a class method");
+               return;
+       }
+       # Remember if this sub was called with arguments
+       # Used to determine whether or not global affiliation data will be 
+       my $include_global;
+       if (scalar(@_) == 1) {
+               $include_global = 0;
+               notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "subroutine was called with an 
affiliation argument, global affiliation data will be ignored");
+       }
+       elsif (scalar(@_) == 0) {
+               $include_global = 1;
+               notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "subroutine was NOT called with 
arguments, global affiliation data will be included");
+       }
+       else {
+               notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "subroutine argument count = " . 
scalar(@_) . ", it must only be called with 0 or 1 arguments");
+               return;
+       }
+       # Get the image affiliation identifier, may be ID or name
+       my $affiliation_identifier = shift;
+       if (!defined($affiliation_identifier)) {
+               $affiliation_identifier = 
+       }
+       if (!defined($affiliation_identifier)) {
+               notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "affiliation argument was not 
passed and could not be determined from image");
+               return;
+       }
+       # Create the affiliation-specific select statement
+       # Check if the affiliation identifier is a number or word
+       # If a number, use directly
+       # If a word, reference
+       my $affiliation_select_statement;
+       if ($affiliation_identifier =~ /^\d+$/) {
+               notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "affiliation identifier is a 
number, retrieving winKMS.affiliationid=$affiliation_identifier");
+               $affiliation_select_statement = <<EOF;
+winKMS.affiliationid = $affiliation_identifier
+       }
+       else {
+               notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "affiliation identifier is NOT a 
number, retrieving$affiliation_identifier");
+               $affiliation_select_statement .= <<EOF;
+winKMS.affiliationid =
+AND LIKE '$affiliation_identifier'
+       }
+       # Create the Global affiliation select statement
+       my $global_select_statement .= <<EOF;
+winKMS.affiliationid =
+AND LIKE 'Global'
+       # Call the database select subroutine
+       my @affiliation_rows = database_select($affiliation_select_statement);
+       # Get the rows for the Global affiliation if this subroutine wasn't 
called with arguments
+       my @global_rows = ();
+       if ($include_global) {
+               @global_rows = database_select($global_select_statement);
+       }
+       # Create an array containing the combined rows
+       my @combined_rows = (@affiliation_rows, @global_rows);
+       # Check to make sure rows were returned
+       if (!...@combined_rows) {
+               notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "0 rows were retrieved from 
winKMS table for affiliation=$affiliation_identifier");
+               return;
+       }
+       notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "returning row array from winKMS table for 
affiliation=$affiliation_identifier:\n" . format_data(\...@combined_rows));
+       return \...@combined_rows;
+=head2 set_kms_server
+ Parameters  : $affiliation_id, $address, $port (optional)
+ Returns     : If successful: true
+               If failed: false
+ Description : Inserts or updates a row in the winKMS table in the database.
+sub set_kms_server {
+       my $self = shift;
+       if (ref($self) !~ /windows/i) {
+               notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine was called as a 
function, it must be called as a class method");
+               return;
+       }
+       # Get and check the arguments
+       my ($affiliation_identifier, $address, $port) = @_;
+       if (!defined($affiliation_identifier) || !defined($address)) {
+               notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "affiliation ID and KMS address 
arguments not passed correctly");
+               return;
+       }
+       # Set the default port if argument wasn't passed
+       if (!defined($port)) {
+               $port = 1688;
+       }
+               # Create the insert statement
+       # Check if the affiliation identifier is a number or word
+       # If a number, set directly
+       # If a word, reference
+       my $insert_statement;
+       if ($affiliation_identifier =~ /^\d+$/) {
+               notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "affiliation identifier is a 
number, setting winKMS.affiliationid=$affiliation_identifier");
+               $insert_statement = <<"EOF";
+       }
+       else {
+               notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "affiliation identifier is NOT a 
number, setting$affiliation_identifier");
+               $insert_statement = <<"EOF";
+(SELECT id FROM affiliation WHERE name='$affiliation_identifier'),
+       }
+       # Execute the insert statement, the return value should be the id of 
the row
+       my $insert_result = database_execute($insert_statement);
+       if (defined($insert_result)) {
+               notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "set KMS address in 
database:\naffiliation ID: $affiliation_identifier\naddress: $address\nport: 
+       }
+       else {
+               notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to set KMS address in 
database:\naffiliation ID: $affiliation_identifier\naddress: $address\nport: 
+               return;
+       }
+       return 1;

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