[Still looking for help with this.]

I have obviously misconfigured something...

I have been working on a standalone system and have been systematically
fixing errors I find in the logs. On the last attempt to make a reservation,
the VMware Server virtual machine was unregistered and deleted. Needless to
say it was definitely a surprise!

I am enclosing vcld.log. The problem occurs at time 10:31:55. I am also
enclosing selects from related tables. Your help in correcting this
unexpected behavior would be greatly appreciated.

== BEGIN vcld.log ===
OUTPUT for vcld run on 2010-04-20 10:31:22
2010-04-20 10:31:22|25426|vcld:main(116)|vcld environment variable set to 1
for this process
2010-04-20 10:31:22|25426|utils.pm:rename_vcld_process(7901)|renamed process
to 'vcld vcld'
2010-04-20 10:31:22|25426|utils.pm:get_management_node_info(6815)|management
node info retrieved from database for localhost
2010-04-20 10:31:22|25426|vcld:main(127)|retrieved management node
information from database
2010-04-20 10:31:22|25426|vcld:main(140)|management_node_id environment
variable set: 1
2010-04-20 10:31:22|25426|vcld:main(148)|management node checkin interval is
5 seconds
2010-04-20 10:31:22|25426|vcld:main(149)|vcld started on localhost
2010-04-20 10:31:27|25426|vcld:main(165)|lastcheckin time updated for
management node 1: 2010-04-20 10:31:27
2010-04-20 10:31:32|25426|vcld:main(165)|lastcheckin time updated for
management node 1: 2010-04-20 10:31:32
2010-04-20 10:31:37|25426|vcld:main(165)|lastcheckin time updated for
management node 1: 2010-04-20 10:31:37
2010-04-20 10:31:42|25426|vcld:main(165)|lastcheckin time updated for
management node 1: 2010-04-20 10:31:42
2010-04-20 10:31:47|25426|vcld:main(165)|lastcheckin time updated for
management node 1: 2010-04-20 10:31:47
2010-04-20 10:31:52|25426|vcld:main(165)|lastcheckin time updated for
management node 1: 2010-04-20 10:31:52
'begin' entry does NOT exist for reservation 7
is NOT currently being processed
2010-04-20 10:31:52|25426|7:7|new|vcld:main(276)|reservation 7 is NOT
already being processed
2010-04-20 10:31:52|25426|7:7|new|utils.pm:get_request_info(5354)|standalone
affiliation found: Local
node info retrieved from database for localhost
2010-04-20 10:31:52|25426|7:7|new|vcld:main(281)|retrieved request
information from database
node info retrieved from database for localhost
true: parent reservation ID for this request: 7
2010-04-20 10:31:52|25426|7:7|new|utils.pm:update_request_state(2186)|request
7 state updated to: pending, laststate to: new
2010-04-20 10:31:52|25426|7:7|new|utils.pm:insertloadlog(4710)|inserted
computer=2, begin, beginning to process, state is new
2010-04-20 10:31:52|25426|7:7|new|vcld:make_new_child(509)|loaded VCL::new
2010-04-20 10:31:52|25426|7:7|new|vcld:make_new_child(566)|current number of
forked kids: 1
2010-04-20 10:31:52|25440|7:7|new|vcld:make_new_child(582)|vcld environment
variable set to 0 for this process
2010-04-20 10:31:52|25440|7:7|new|Module.pm:new(132)|constructor called,
2010-04-20 10:31:52|25440|7:7|new|Module.pm:new(154)|VCL::new object created
2010-04-20 10:31:52|25440|7:7|new|State.pm:initialize(85)|obtained a
database handle for this state process, stored as $ENV{dbh}
2010-04-20 10:31:52|25440|7:7|new|State.pm:check_image_os(820)|no
corrections need to be made, not an imaging request, returning 1
true: parent reservation ID for this request: 7
2010-04-20 10:31:52|25440|7:7|new|utils.pm:rename_vcld_process(7863)|reservation
count: 1
2010-04-20 10:31:52|25440|7:7|new|utils.pm:rename_vcld_process(7883)|SUBIMAGE:
2010-04-20 10:31:52|25440|7:7|new|utils.pm:rename_vcld_process(7901)|renamed
process to 'vcld VCL::new 7:7 new'
true: parent reservation ID for this request: 7
true: parent reservation ID for this request: 7
2010-04-20 10:31:52|25440|7:7|new|State.pm:initialize(121)|attempting to
load provisioning module: VCL::Module::Provisioning::vmware
module loaded
2010-04-20 10:31:52|25440|7:7|new|Module.pm:new(132)|constructor called,
object created
2010-04-20 10:31:52|25440|7:7|new|vmware.pm:initialize(105)|vmware module
provisioner object created
2010-04-20 10:31:52|25440|7:7|new|State.pm:initialize(145)|attempting to
load OS module: VCL::Module::OS::Linux
module loaded
2010-04-20 10:31:52|25440|7:7|new|Module.pm:new(132)|constructor called,
2010-04-20 10:31:52|25440|7:7|new|Module.pm:new(154)|VCL::Module::OS::Linux
object created
10:31:52|25440|7:7|new|State.pm:initialize(154)|VCL::Module::OS::Linux OS
object created
2010-04-20 10:31:52|25440|7:7|new|State.pm:initialize(169)|returning 1
2010-04-20 10:31:52|25440|7:7|new|vcld:make_new_child(591)|VCL::new object
created and initialized
true: parent reservation ID for this request: 7
to retrieve current state of computer vmguest-1 from the database
current state of computer vmguest-1 from the database: available
2010-04-20 10:31:52|25440|7:7|new|DataStructure.pm:_automethod(697)|data
structure updated:
|25440|7:7|new| computer_state_name = available
variable: 1
2010-04-20 10:31:52|25440|7:7|new|new.pm:process(134)|reservation is parent
= 1
2010-04-20 10:31:52|25440|7:7|new|new.pm:process(135)|preload only = 0
2010-04-20 10:31:52|25440|7:7|new|new.pm:process(136)|originating request
state = new
2010-04-20 10:31:52|25440|7:7|new|new.pm:process(137)|originating request
laststate = new
2010-04-20 10:31:52|25440|7:7|new|new.pm:process(138)|originating computer
state = available
2010-04-20 10:31:52|25440|7:7|new|new.pm:process(139)|originating computer
type = virtualmachine
true: parent reservation ID for this request: 7
to retrieve current state of computer vmguest-1 from the database
current state of computer vmguest-1 from the database: available
2010-04-20 10:31:52|25440|7:7|new|DataStructure.pm:_automethod(697)|data
structure updated:
|25440|7:7|new| computer_state_name = available
variable: 1
2010-04-20 10:31:52|25440|7:7|new|new.pm:computer_not_being_used(788)|vmguest-1
state is available
2010-04-20 10:31:52|25440|7:7|new|new.pm:computer_not_being_used(798)|vmguest-1
is available, its state is available
2010-04-20 10:31:52|25440|7:7|new|new.pm:process(170)|vmguest-1 is not being
true: parent reservation ID for this request: 7
to retrieve current state of computer vmguest-1 from the database
current state of computer vmguest-1 from the database: available
2010-04-20 10:31:52|25440|7:7|new|DataStructure.pm:_automethod(697)|data
structure updated:
|25440|7:7|new| computer_state_name = available
variable: 1
2010-04-20 10:31:52|25440|7:7|new|new.pm:reload_image(514)|calling
2010-04-20 10:31:52|25440|7:7|new|utils.pm:insertloadlog(4710)|inserted
computer=2, statuscheck, checking status of node
2010-04-20 10:31:52|25440|7:7|new|vmware.pm:node_status(1888)|identity_keys=
2010-04-20 10:31:52|25440|7:7|new|vmware.pm:node_status(1890)|image_os_type=
2010-04-20 10:31:52|25440|7:7|new|vmware.pm:node_status(1892)|vmpath=
2010-04-20 10:31:52|25440|7:7|new|vmware.pm:node_status(1893)|datastorepath=
2010-04-20 10:31:52|25440|7:7|new|vmware.pm:node_status(1911)|checking if
vmguest-1 is pingable
2010-04-20 10:31:52|25440|7:7|new|vmware.pm:node_status(1914)|vmguest-1 is
pingable (1)
2010-04-20 10:31:52|25440|7:7|new|utils.pm:run_ssh_command(6180)|executing
SSH command on localvmhost:
|25440|7:7|new| /usr/bin/ssh -i /etc/vcl/vcl.key  -l root -p 22 -x
localvmhost 'vmware-cmd
getstate' 2>&1
2010-04-20 10:31:53|25440|7:7|new|utils.pm:run_ssh_command(6262)|run_ssh_command
|25440|7:7|new| getstate() = on
2010-04-20 10:31:53|25440|7:7|new|utils.pm:run_ssh_command(6276)|SSH command
executed on localvmhost, returning (0, "getstate() = on")
2010-04-20 10:31:53|25440|7:7|new|vmware.pm:node_status(1930)|getstate() =
2010-04-20 10:31:53|25440|7:7|new|vmware.pm:node_status(1941)|vmguest-1
vmstate reports on
2010-04-20 10:31:53|25440|7:7|new|vmware.pm:node_status(1979)|returning node
status hash reference ($node_status->{status}=RELOAD)
2010-04-20 10:31:53|25440|7:7|new|new.pm:reload_image(529)|node_status
returned a hash reference
2010-04-20 10:31:53|25440|7:7|new|new.pm:reload_image(534)|node_status hash
reference contains key {status}=RELOAD
2010-04-20 10:31:53|25440|7:7|new|new.pm:reload_image(602)|node status is
RELOAD, vmguest-1 will be reloaded
2010-04-20 10:31:53|25440|7:7|new|utils.pm:insertloadlog(4710)|inserted
computer=2, loadimageblade, vmguest-1 must be reloaded with
2010-04-20 10:31:53|25440|7:7|new|new.pm:reload_image(616)|calling
2010-04-20 10:31:53|25440|7:7|new|vmware.pm:does_image_exist(2018)|image
repository path: /images/vmware
2010-04-20 10:31:53|25440|7:7|new|utils.pm:run_command(9737)|executed
command: du -c /images/vmware/*vmwarelinux-xubuntu904-v0* 2>&1 | grep total
2>&1, pid: 25451, exit status: 0, output:
|25440|7:7|new| 2701668 total
exists in /images/vmware, size: 2638 MB
exists on this management node
2010-04-20 10:31:54|25440|7:7|new|utils.pm:insertloadlog(4710)|inserted
computer=2, doesimageexists, confirmed image exists
2010-04-20 10:31:54|25440|7:7|new|utils.pm:update_computer_state(2228)|computer
2 state updated to: reloading
2010-04-20 10:31:54|25440|7:7|new|new.pm:reload_image(652)|computer
vmguest-1 state set to reloading
2010-04-20 10:31:54|25440|7:7|new|utils.pm:insertloadlog(4710)|inserted
computer=2, info, computer state updated to reloading
2010-04-20 10:31:54|25440|7:7|new|new.pm:reload_image(663)|calling
VCL::Module::Provisioning::vmware->load() subroutine
2010-04-20 10:31:54|25440|7:7|new|utils.pm:insertloadlog(4710)|inserted
computer=2, info, calling VCL::Module::Provisioning::vmware->load()
2010-04-20 10:31:54|25440|7:7|new|vmware.pm:control_VM(1526)|control remove
is defined
2010-04-20 10:31:54|25440|7:7|new|vmware.pm:control_VM(1590)|checking for
base image on localvmhost /images/vmware
2010-04-20 10:31:54|25440|7:7|new|utils.pm:run_ssh_command(6180)|executing
SSH command on localvmhost:
|25440|7:7|new| /usr/bin/ssh -i /etc/vcl/vcl.key  -l root -p 22 -x
localvmhost 'ls -1 /images/vmware' 2>&1
2010-04-20 10:31:54|25440|7:7|new|utils.pm:run_ssh_command(6262)|run_ssh_command
|25440|7:7|new| XUbuntu_LiveCD
|25440|7:7|new| vmwarelinux-xubuntu904-v0vmguest-1
|25440|7:7|new| vmwarelinux-xubuntu910-v0
2010-04-20 10:31:54|25440|7:7|new|utils.pm:run_ssh_command(6276)|SSH command
executed on localvmhost, returning (0, "XUbuntu_LiveCD vmwarelinux-xub...")
2010-04-20 10:31:54|25440|7:7|new|vmware.pm:control_VM(1596)|XUbuntu_LiveCD
vmwarelinux-xubuntu904-v0vmguest-1 vmwarelinux-xubuntu910-v0
directory structure for noimagevmguest-1 did not exist
2010-04-20 10:31:54|25440|7:7|new|utils.pm:run_ssh_command(6180)|executing
SSH command on localvmhost:
|25440|7:7|new| /usr/bin/ssh -i /etc/vcl/vcl.key  -l root -p 22 -x
localvmhost 'vmware-cmd -l' 2>&1
2010-04-20 10:31:54|25440|7:7|new|utils.pm:run_ssh_command(6262)|run_ssh_command
2010-04-20 10:31:54|25440|7:7|new|utils.pm:run_ssh_command(6276)|SSH command
executed on localvmhost, returning (0, "/home/vm/vmware/vmwarelinux-xu...")
2010-04-20 10:31:54|25440|7:7|new|vmware.pm:
2010-04-20 10:31:54|25440|7:7|new|vmware.pm:control_VM(1644)|my vmx
2010-04-20 10:31:54|25440|7:7|new|utils.pm:run_ssh_command(6180)|executing
SSH command on localvmhost:
|25440|7:7|new| /usr/bin/ssh -i /etc/vcl/vcl.key  -l root -p 22 -x
localvmhost 'vmware-cmd
getstate' 2>&1
2010-04-20 10:31:55|25440|7:7|new|utils.pm:run_ssh_command(6262)|run_ssh_command
|25440|7:7|new| getstate() = on
2010-04-20 10:31:55|25440|7:7|new|utils.pm:run_ssh_command(6276)|SSH command
executed on localvmhost, returning (0, "getstate() = on")
2010-04-20 10:31:55|25440|7:7|new|utils.pm:run_ssh_command(6180)|executing
SSH command on localvmhost:
|25440|7:7|new| /usr/bin/ssh -i /etc/vcl/vcl.key  -l root -p 22 -x
localvmhost 'vmware-cmd
stop hard' 2>&1
2010-04-20 10:31:55|25440|7:7|new|utils.pm:run_ssh_command(6262)|run_ssh_command
|25440|7:7|new| stop(hard) = 1
2010-04-20 10:31:55|25440|7:7|new|utils.pm:run_ssh_command(6276)|SSH command
executed on localvmhost, returning (0, "stop(hard) = 1")
2010-04-20 10:31:55|25440|7:7|new|vmware.pm:control_VM(1662)|turned off
2010-04-20 10:31:55|25440|7:7|new|utils.pm:run_ssh_command(6180)|executing
SSH command on localvmhost:
|25440|7:7|new| /usr/bin/ssh -i /etc/vcl/vcl.key  -l root -p 22 -x
localvmhost 'vmware-cmd -s unregister
' 2>&1
2010-04-20 10:31:55|25440|7:7|new|utils.pm:run_ssh_command(6262)|run_ssh_command
= 1
2010-04-20 10:31:55|25440|7:7|new|utils.pm:run_ssh_command(6276)|SSH command
executed on localvmhost, returning (0, "unregister(/home/vm/vmware/vmw...")
2010-04-20 10:31:55|25440|7:7|new|vmware.pm:control_VM(1702)|vm
2010-04-20 10:31:55|25440|7:7|new|utils.pm:run_ssh_command(6180)|executing
SSH command on localvmhost:
|25440|7:7|new| /usr/bin/ssh -i /etc/vcl/vcl.key  -l root -p 22 -x
localvmhost '/bin/rm -rf /home/vm/vmware/vmwarelinux-xubuntu904-v0vmguest-1'
2010-04-20 10:31:56|25440|7:7|new|utils.pm:run_ssh_command(6262)|run_ssh_command
|25440|7:7|new| none
2010-04-20 10:31:56|25440|7:7|new|utils.pm:run_ssh_command(6276)|SSH command
executed on localvmhost, returning (0, "none")
2010-04-20 10:31:56|25440|7:7|new|vmware.pm:control_VM(1709)|removed
/home/vm/vmware/vmwarelinux-xubuntu904-v0vmguest-1 from localvmhost
to retrieve private IP address for computer: vmguest-1
contents of /etc/hosts on this management node, contains 13 lines
line for 'vmguest-1' in /etc/hosts:
|25440|7:7|new|     vmguest-1
IP address:
2010-04-20 10:31:56|25440|7:7|new|DataStructure.pm:_automethod(697)|data
structure updated:
|25440|7:7|new| computer_private_ip_address =
2010-04-20 10:31:56|25440|7:7|new|utils.pm:insertloadlog(4710)|inserted
computer=2, startload, vmguest-1 vmwarelinux-xubuntu904-v0
2010-04-20 10:31:56|25440|7:7|new|vmware.pm:load(216)|identity file set
/etc/vcl/vcl.key vmhost imagename noimage bladekey /etc/vcl/vcl.key
2010-04-20 10:31:56|25440|7:7|new|vmware.pm:load(244)|persistent= 0
2010-04-20 10:31:56|25440|7:7|new|vmware.pm:load(245)|myvmdir=
2010-04-20 10:31:56|25440|7:7|new|vmware.pm:load(246)|myvmx=
2010-04-20 10:31:56|25440|7:7|new|vmware.pm:load(247)|mybasedirname=
2010-04-20 10:31:56|25440|7:7|new|vmware.pm:load(248)|myimagename=
2010-04-20 10:31:56|25440|7:7|new|vmware.pm:load(251)|checking for base
image vmwarelinux-xubuntu904-v0vmguest-1 on localvmhost
2010-04-20 10:31:56|25440|7:7|new|utils.pm:insertloadlog(4710)|inserted
computer=2, vmround1, checking host for requested image files
2010-04-20 10:31:56|25440|7:7|new|vmware.pm:load(256)|trying to create
exclusive lock on /tmp/localvmhostvmwarelinux-xubuntu904-v0lock while
checking if image files exist on host
2010-04-20 10:31:56|25440|7:7|new|vmware.pm:load(259)|owning exclusive lock
on /tmp/localvmhostvmwarelinux-xubuntu904-v0lock
2010-04-20 10:31:56|25440|7:7|new|vmware.pm:load(260)|listing datestore
2010-04-20 10:31:56|25440|7:7|new|utils.pm:run_ssh_command(6180)|executing
SSH command on localvmhost:
|25440|7:7|new| /usr/bin/ssh -i /etc/vcl/vcl.key  -l root -p 22 -x
localvmhost 'ls -1 /images/vmware' 2>&1
2010-04-20 10:31:56|25440|7:7|new|utils.pm:run_ssh_command(6262)|run_ssh_command
|25440|7:7|new| XUbuntu_LiveCD
|25440|7:7|new| vmwarelinux-xubuntu910-v0
2010-04-20 10:31:56|25440|7:7|new|utils.pm:run_ssh_command(6276)|SSH command
executed on localvmhost, returning (0, "XUbuntu_LiveCD vmwarelinux-xub...")
2010-04-20 10:31:56|25440|7:7|new|vmware.pm:load(270)|data store contents
/images/vmware on vm host:
|25440|7:7|new| XUbuntu_LiveCD vmwarelinux-xubuntu910-v0
2010-04-20 10:31:56|25440|7:7|new|utils.pm:insertloadlog(4710)|inserted
computer=2, info, image files do not exist on host server, preparing to copy
2010-04-20 10:31:56|25440|7:7|new|utils.pm:insertloadlog(4710)|inserted
computer=2, failed, could not collect size of local image files
2010-04-20 10:31:56|25440|7:7|new|utils.pm:mail(1348)|SUCCESS -- Sending
mail To: m...@vt.edu, PROBLEM -- vmware.pm

|25440|7:7|new| ---- CRITICAL ----
|25440|7:7|new| 2010-04-20 10:31:56|25440|7:7|new|vmware.pm:load(349)|problem
checking local vm file size on /images/vmware/vmwarelinux-xubuntu904-v0
|25440|7:7|new| ( 0) utils.pm, notify (line: 737)
|25440|7:7|new| (-1) vmware.pm, load (line: 349)
|25440|7:7|new| (-2) new.pm, reload_image (line: 665)
|25440|7:7|new| (-3) new.pm, process (line: 266)
|25440|7:7|new| (-4) vcld, make_new_child (line: 594)
|25440|7:7|new| (-5) vcld, main (line: 341)

|25440|7:7|new| ---- WARNING ----
|25440|7:7|new| 2010-04-20
failed to load on vmguest-1, returning
|25440|7:7|new| ( 0) utils.pm, notify (line: 737)
|25440|7:7|new| (-1) new.pm, reload_image (line: 670)
|25440|7:7|new| (-2) new.pm, process (line: 266)
|25440|7:7|new| (-3) vcld, make_new_child (line: 594)
|25440|7:7|new| (-4) vcld, main (line: 341)

2010-04-20 10:31:56|25440|7:7|new|utils.pm:insertloadlog(4710)|inserted
computer=2, loadimagefailed, vmwarelinux-xubuntu904-v0 failed to load on

|25440|7:7|new| ---- WARNING ----
|25440|7:7|new| 2010-04-20 10:31:56|25440|7:7|new|new.pm:process(313)|failed
to load vmguest-1 with vmwarelinux-xubuntu904-v0
|25440|7:7|new| ( 0) utils.pm, notify (line: 737)
|25440|7:7|new| (-1) new.pm, process (line: 313)
|25440|7:7|new| (-2) vcld, make_new_child (line: 594)
|25440|7:7|new| (-3) vcld, main (line: 341)

to retrieve current state of computer vmguest-1 from the database
current state of computer vmguest-1 from the database: reloading
2010-04-20 10:31:56|25440|7:7|new|DataStructure.pm:_automethod(697)|data
structure updated:
|25440|7:7|new| computer_state_name = reloading
2010-04-20 10:31:56|25440|7:7|new|utils.pm:mail(1348)|SUCCESS -- Sending
mail To: m...@vt.edu, PROBLEM -- State.pm

|25440|7:7|new| ---- CRITICAL ----
|25440|7:7|new| 2010-04-20
10:31:56|25440|7:7|new|State.pm:reservation_failed(290)|reservation failed
on vmguest-1: process failed after trying to load or make available
|25440|7:7|new| ( 0) utils.pm, notify (line: 737)
|25440|7:7|new| (-1) State.pm, reservation_failed (line: 290)
|25440|7:7|new| (-2) new.pm, process (line: 316)
|25440|7:7|new| (-3) vcld, make_new_child (line: 594)
|25440|7:7|new| (-4) vcld, main (line: 341)

2010-04-20 10:31:56|25440|7:7|new|utils.pm:insertloadlog(4710)|inserted
computer=2, failed, process failed after trying to load or make available
2010-04-20 10:31:56|25440|7:7|new|State.pm:reservation_failed(293)|inserted
computerloadlog entry
2010-04-20 10:31:56|25440|7:7|new|State.pm:reservation_failed(301)|updated
log ending value to 'failed', logid=6
2010-04-20 10:31:56|25440|7:7|new|utils.pm:update_computer_state(2228)|computer
2 state updated to: failed
2010-04-20 10:31:56|25440|7:7|new|State.pm:reservation_failed(312)|computer
vmguest-1 (2) state set to failed
2010-04-20 10:31:56|25440|7:7|new|utils.pm:update_request_state(2186)|request
7 state updated to: failed, laststate to: new
2010-04-20 10:31:56|25440|7:7|new|State.pm:reservation_failed(325)|set
request state to 'failed'/'new'
2010-04-20 10:31:56|25440|7:7|new|utils.pm:is_inblockrequest(6972)|zero rows
were returned from database select
2010-04-20 10:31:56|25440|7:7|new|State.pm:reservation_failed(343)|vmguest-1
is NOT in blockcomputers table
2010-04-20 10:31:56|25440|7:7|new|State.pm:reservation_failed(346)|exiting 1
2010-04-20 10:31:56|25440|7:7|new|State.pm:DESTROY(905)|destructor called,
computerloadlog entries matching loadstate = begin
rows from computerloadlog for reservation id=7
2010-04-20 10:31:56|25440|7:7|new|State.pm:DESTROY(912)|removed
computerloadlog rows with loadstate=begin for reservation
2010-04-20 10:31:56|25440|7:7|new|State.pm:DESTROY(924)|number of database
handles state process created: 1
2010-04-20 10:31:56|25440|7:7|new|State.pm:DESTROY(933)|process has a
database handle stored in $ENV{dbh}, attempting disconnect
2010-04-20 10:31:56|25440|7:7|new|State.pm:DESTROY(935)|$ENV{dbh}: database
disconnect successful
2010-04-20 10:31:56|25440|7:7|new|State.pm:DESTROY(949)|VCL::new process
25440 exiting
2010-04-20 10:31:56|25426|vcld:REAPER(744)|VCL process exited for
reservation 7
2010-04-20 10:31:56|25426|vcld:main(165)|lastcheckin time updated for
management node 1: 2010-04-20 10:31:56
=== END vcld.log ===

=== BEGIN mysql tables ===
mysql> select * from computer;
| id | stateid | ownerid | platformid | scheduleid | currentimageid |
preferredimageid | nextimageid | imagerevisionid | RAM  | procnumber |
procspeed | network | hostname    | IPaddress   | privateIPaddress |
eth0macaddress    | eth1macaddress    | type           | provisioningid |
drivetype | deleted | notes | lastcheck | location | dsa  | dsapub | rsa  |
rsapub | host | hostpub | vmhostid | vmtypeid |
|  1 |       2 |       1 |          1 |          1 |              4 |
         0 |           0 |               0 | 2048 |          1 |      3000 |
    100 | localvmhost | | NULL             | NULL              |
NULL              | blade          |              3 | hda       |       0 |
      | NULL      | NULL     | NULL | NULL   | NULL | NULL   | NULL | NULL
 |     NULL |     NULL |
|  2 |       2 |       1 |          1 |          1 |              4 |
        10 |           0 |               0 |  512 |          1 |      2000 |
    100 | vmguest-1   | | NULL             | 00:50:56:1a:01:01 |
00:50:56:1a:01:02 | virtualmachine |              2 | hda       |       0 |
      | NULL      | NULL     | NULL | NULL   | NULL | NULL   | NULL | NULL
 |        1 |        3 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from OS;
| id | name           | prettyname                          | type    |
installtype | sourcepath    | moduleid |
|  2 | sun4x_58       | Solaris 5.8                         | unix    | none
       | NULL          |       15 |
|  3 | win2k          | Windows 2000                        | windows |
partimage   | image         |        4 |
|  6 | rhel3          | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.0        | linux   |
kickstart   | rhas3         |        5 |
|  7 | winxp          | Windows XP                          | windows |
partimage   | image         |       12 |
|  8 | realmrhel3     | Realm Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.0  | linux   | none
       | NULL          |       15 |
|  9 | realmrhel4     | Realm Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.0  | linux   | none
       | NULL          |       15 |
| 10 | win2003        | Windows 2003 Server                 | windows |
partimage   | image         |       13 |
| 11 | rh3image       | RHEL 3 image                        | linux   |
partimage   | image         |        5 |
| 12 | rhel4          | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4          | linux   |
kickstart   | rhas4         |        5 |
| 13 | rh4image       | RHEL4 image                         | linux   |
partimage   | image         |        5 |
| 14 | fc5image       | RH Fedora Core 5 image              | linux   |
partimage   | image         |        5 |
| 15 | rhfc5          | Red Hat Fedora Core 5               | linux   |
kickstart   | rhfc5         |        5 |
| 16 | vmwarewinxp    | VMware Windows XP                   | windows |
vmware      | vmware_images |       12 |
| 17 | rhfc7          | RH Fedora Core 7 KS                 | linux   |
kickstart   | rhfc7         |        5 |
| 18 | fc7image       | RH Fedora Core 7 image              | linux   |
partimage   | image         |        5 |
| 19 | rhel5          | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5          | linux   |
kickstart   | rhas5         |        5 |
| 20 | esx35          | VMware ESX 3.5                      | linux   |
kickstart   | esx35         |        5 |
| 21 | vmwareesxwinxp | VMware ESX Windows XP               | windows |
vmware      | vmware_images |       12 |
| 22 | realmrhel5     | Realm Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.0  | linux   | none
       | NULL          |       15 |
| 23 | sun4x_510     | Solaris 10                          | unix    | none
       | NULL          |       15 |
| 24 | centos5        | CentOS 5                            | linux   |
kickstart   | centos5       |        5 |
| 25 | rh5image       | RedHat Enterprise Linux 5 (rhel5 im | linux   |
partimage   | image         |        5 |
| 26 | rhfc9          | RedHat Fedora Core 9 kickstart      | linux   |
kickstart   | rhfc9         |        5 |
| 27 | fc9image       | RedHat Fedora Core 9 image          | linux   |
partimage   | image         |        5 |
| 28 | winvista       | Windows Vista                       | windows |
partimage   | image         |        7 |
| 29 | centos5image   | centos5image                        | linux   |
partimage   | image         |        5 |
| 30 | ubuntuimage    | Ubuntu image                        | linux   |
partimage   | image         |       14 |
| 31 | vmwarewin2008  | VMware Windows Server 2008          | windows |
vmware      | vmware_images |       16 |
| 32 | win2008        | Windows Server 2008                 | windows |
partimage   | image         |       16 |
| 33 | vmwarewinvista | VMware Windows Vista                | windows |
vmware      | vmware_images |        7 |
| 34 | vmwarelinux    | VMware Generic Linux                | linux   |
vmware      | vmware        |        5 |
31 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from image;
| id | name                               | prettyname
      | ownerid | platformid | OSid | imagemetaid | minram | minprocnumber |
minprocspeed | minnetwork | maxconcurrent | reloadtime | deleted | test |
lastupdate          | forcheckout | maxinitialtime | project | size |
architecture | description | usage | basedoffrevisionid |
|  1 | winxp-base1-v0                     | No Apps (WinXP)
       |       1 |          1 |    7 |        NULL |      0 |             1
|            0 |         10 |          NULL |         14 |       0 |    0 |
2007-04-11 16:07:38 |           1 |              0 | vcl     | 1045 | x86
       | NULL        | NULL  |                  0 |
|  2 | rhel4-base2-v0                     | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.4
Base (KS) |       1 |          1 |   12 |        NULL |   1024 |
1 |         1024 |        100 |          NULL |         13 |       0 |    0
| 2007-03-02 16:33:33 |           1 |              0 | vcl     |    0 | x86
         | NULL        | NULL  |                  0 |
|  3 | rh4image-base3-v0                  | RHEL4 base (image)
      |       1 |          1 |   13 |        NULL |     10 |             1 |
        1024 |        100 |          NULL |         10 |       0 |    0 |
2007-01-24 15:02:07 |           1 |              0 | vcl     | 1450 | x86
       | NULL        | NULL  |                  0 |
|  4 | noimage                            | No Image
      |       1 |          1 |    2 |        NULL |      0 |             1 |
           0 |         10 |          NULL |          0 |       0 |    0 |
NULL                |           1 |              0 | vcl     | 1450 | x86
       | NULL        | NULL  |                  0 |
|  5 | rhfc5-fc5base5-v0                  | Red Hat Fedora Core 5 base (KS)
       |       1 |          1 |   15 |        NULL |   1024 |             1
|         1024 |        100 |          NULL |         13 |       0 |    0 |
2006-10-02 10:04:24 |           1 |              0 | vcl     | 1450 | x86
       | NULL        | NULL  |                  0 |
|  6 | fc5image-FC5baseRHFC56-v0          | FC5base(RHFC5)
      |       1 |          1 |   14 |        NULL |     64 |             1 |
         500 |         10 |          NULL |         10 |       0 |    0 |
2006-10-02 14:13:26 |           1 |              0 | vcl     |    0 | x86
       | NULL        | NULL  |                  0 |
|  7 | vmwarewinxp-base7-v1               | No Apps (WinXP vmware)
      |       1 |          1 |   16 |        NULL |    512 |             1 |
        1024 |        100 |          NULL |          5 |       0 |    0 |
2007-04-04 09:45:38 |           1 |              0 | vcl     | 3244 | x86
       | NULL        | NULL  |                  0 |
|  8 | rh4image-VMwareserverhostRHEL48-v3 | VMware server host (RHEL4)
      |       1 |          1 |   13 |        NULL |     64 |             1 |
         500 |         10 |          NULL |         10 |       0 |    0 |
2007-11-26 11:23:53 |           1 |              0 | vcl     | 1450 | x86
       | NULL        | NULL  |                  0 |
|  9 | esx35-base-v0                      | VMware ESX 3.5 standard server
      |       1 |          1 |   20 |        NULL |   2048 |             2 |
        2000 |        100 |          NULL |          9 |       0 |    0 |
2008-03-24 14:23:54 |           1 |              0 | vcl     | 1450 | x86
       | NULL        | NULL  |                  0 |
| 10 | vmwarelinux-xubuntu904-v0          | No Apps (Linux, XUbuntu 9.04)
       |       1 |          1 |   34 |        NULL |    512 |             1
|         1024 |        100 |          NULL |          5 |       0 |    0 |
2010-04-19 12:00:28 |           1 |              0 | vcl     | 1500 | x86
       | NULL        | NULL  |                  0 |
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from imagerevision;
| id | imageid | revision | userid | datecreated         | deleted |
datedeleted | production | comments | imagename                          |
|  1 |       1 |        0 |      1 | 2007-03-01 14:46:26 |       0 | NULL
     |          1 | NULL     | winxp-base1-v0                     |
|  2 |       2 |        0 |      1 | 2006-09-22 16:33:24 |       0 | NULL
     |          1 | NULL     | rhel4-base2-v0                     |
|  3 |       3 |        0 |      1 | 2007-01-24 15:04:11 |       0 | NULL
     |          1 | NULL     | rh4image-base3-v0                  |
|  4 |       4 |        0 |      1 | 1980-01-01 00:00:00 |       0 | NULL
     |          1 | NULL     | noimage                            |
|  5 |       5 |        0 |      1 | 2006-10-02 10:04:24 |       0 | NULL
     |          1 | NULL     | rhfc5-fc5base5-v0                  |
|  6 |       6 |        0 |      1 | 2006-10-02 14:13:26 |       0 | NULL
     |          1 | NULL     | fc5image-FC5baseRHFC56-v0          |
|  7 |       7 |        0 |      1 | 2007-04-03 11:24:12 |       0 | NULL
     |          1 | NULL     | vmwarewinxp-base7-v0               |
|  8 |       8 |        0 |      1 | 2007-01-30 10:50:56 |       0 | NULL
     |          1 | NULL     | rh4image-VMwareserverhostRHEL48-v0 |
|  9 |       9 |        0 |      1 | 2008-03-24 14:23:54 |       0 | NULL
     |          1 | NULL     | esx35-base-v0                      |
| 10 |      10 |        1 |      1 | 2010-04-19 12:00:33 |       0 | NULL
     |          1 | NULL     | vmwarelinux-xubuntu904-v0          |
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from resource;
| id | resourcetypeid | subid |
| 12 |             12 |     1 |
| 13 |             12 |     2 |
|  1 |             13 |     1 |
|  2 |             13 |     2 |
|  3 |             13 |     3 |
|  4 |             13 |     4 |
|  5 |             13 |     5 |
|  6 |             13 |     6 |
|  7 |             13 |     7 |
|  9 |             13 |     8 |
| 10 |             13 |     9 |
| 14 |             13 |    10 |
|  8 |             15 |     1 |
| 11 |             16 |     1 |
14 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from request;
| id | stateid | userid | laststateid | logid | forimaging | test | preload
| start               | end                 | daterequested       |
datemodified |
|  1 |      14 |      2 |          21 |     0 |          0 |    0 |       0
| 2010-04-16 21:15:00 | 2011-04-16 21:15:00 | 2010-04-16 21:16:29 | NULL
|  2 |      14 |      1 |          16 |     0 |          1 |    0 |       0
| 2010-04-19 12:07:03 | 2010-04-19 14:07:03 | 2010-04-19 12:07:03 | NULL
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from reservation;
| id | requestid | computerid | imageid | imagerevisionid | managementnodeid
| remoteIP | lastcheck           | pw   |
|  1 |         1 |          1 |       8 |               8 |                1
| NULL     | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | NULL |
|  2 |         2 |          2 |      10 |              10 |                1
| NULL     | NULL                | NULL |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from vmprofile;
| id | profilename                               | vmtypeid | imageid |
nasshare | datastorepath          | vmpath                 | virtualswitch0
| virtualswitch1                 | vmdisk      | username | password |
|  1 | VMware GSX standard                       |        3 |       8 | NULL
    | /images/vmware         | /images/vmware         | VMnet1         |
VMnet0                         | localdisk   | NULL     | NULL     |
|  2 | Vmware ESX standard network mounted share |        5 |       9 | NULL
    | /vmfs/volumes/nfs1     | /vmfs/volumes/storage1 | VM Network     |
Virtual Machine Public Network | networkdisk | NULL     | NULL     |
|  3 | Vmware ESX standard localdisk             |        5 |       9 | NULL
    | /vmfs/volumes/storage1 | NULL                   | VM Network     |
Virtual Machine Public Network | localdisk   | NULL     | NULL     |
|  4 | Vmware ESX SAN                            |        5 |       9 | NULL
    | /vmfs/volumes/NetApp   | /vmfs/volumes/storage1 | Intranet2      |
MCNC Public                    | networkdisk | NULL     | NULL     |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from resourcegroup;
| id | name               | ownerusergroupid | resourcetypeid |
|  1 | allComputers       |                3 |             12 |
|  2 | allImages          |                3 |             13 |
|  3 | allManagementNodes |                3 |             16 |
|  4 | allSchedules       |                3 |             15 |
|  8 | newimages          |                4 |             12 |
|  9 | newvmimages        |                4 |             12 |
| 10 | allVMimages        |                4 |             13 |
| 13 | allvmhosts         |                3 |             12 |
| 14 | allvmguests        |                3 |             12 |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from resourcemap;
| resourcegroupid1 | resourcetypeid1 | resourcegroupid2 | resourcetypeid2 |
|                2 |              13 |                1 |              12 |
|                3 |              16 |                1 |              12 |
|                3 |              16 |                8 |              12 |
|                3 |              16 |                9 |              12 |
|                3 |              16 |               13 |              12 |
|                3 |              16 |               14 |              12 |
|               10 |              13 |               14 |              12 |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)
=== END mysql tables ===

Mark Gardner

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