It's safe, there are no problems to change it.
It used to be 1, we figured 101 would be safe - guess not :)

On 5/3/10 3:36 PM, Mark Gardner wrote:
It appears that my reservation is failing because the Linux guest already
has a user with ID 101:

2010-05-03 15:06:08|7355|20:20|new||executing
SSH command on vmguest-1:
|7355|20:20|new| /usr/bin/ssh -i /etc/vcl/vcl.key  -l root -p 22 -x
vmguest-1 '/usr/sbin/useradd -u 101 -d /home/admin -m admin -g vcl' 2>&1
|7355|20:20|new| useradd: UID 101 is not unique

It seems that the value comes from user.uid as shown below.

mysql>  select * from user where uid=101;
| id | uid  | unityid | affiliationid | firstname | lastname | preferredname
| email          | emailnotices | IMtypeid | IMid | adminlevelid | width |
height | bpp | audiomode | mapdrives | mapprinters | mapserial |
showallgroups | lastupdated         |
|  1 |  101 | admin   |             1 | vcl       | admin    |
| r...@localhost |            0 |        1 | NULL |            3 |  1024 |
  768 |  16 | local     |         1 |           1 |         1 |             1
| 2007-05-17 09:58:39 |

Would it cause problems if I changed it to some other value that doesn't
conflict with the guest's user IDs? Say 1001 perhaps?



Aaron Peeler
Program Manager
Virtual Computing Lab
NC State University

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