Sounds good. I'll created a jira issue and I'll make the first pass on
the exclude file list for the Linux OS.

Feel free to add to the jira issue.


On Fri, Oct 7, 2011 at 11:53 AM, Peter Dimitrios <> wrote:
> I'm thinking that initially we could have some sort of "exclude_list"
> file,  but as I ponder the more general issue of all this "one off"
> image customization, do we trust image creators enough to have more
> than just a simple list of filenames or boolean go/no-go indicators in
> the image?   Initially, having a 'vcl-capture-exclude-files' control
> to enable/disable parts of the capture process would be relatively
> safe,  but I think eventually we could include more extensive
> user-exits that might override or extend default VCL functions like
> capture, preload, and image startup/shutdown, without having to modify
> VCL itself.
> We could hide these image exits in /opt/vcl/ or whatever,  but I'm
> thinking we might treat these per-image configuration extensions as
> files in a hidden directory like /root/.vcloptions or c:\vcloptions .
>   The hidden / dot-file convention makes it like other image
> personalization configuration files, and makes it easier to hold onto
> changes if you create a new edition of an image and need to tweak
> things again.   Most image customizers wouldn't touch any of this, but
> this mechanism could be very handy for handling edge-cases or
> bleeding-edge software.
> I think I like  more comprehensive user-exits, it can also make
> adopting a new or strange Linux (or other OS) easier for end-users,
> rather than having them promote their code into VCL itself.    Over
> time, VCL can adopt some of the better ideas into new base VCL modules
> so that the per-image customizations can be reduced.
>  One additional feature might be to put some flag in the ImageProfile
> to indicate "disallow vcl user exits" so that if someone truly screws
> something up maybe we can recover without delving into raw VMware /
> KVM.

Aaron Peeler
Program Manager
Virtual Computing Lab
NC State University

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