I've been working with a severely hacked up VCL installation. 
I've had an up and down relationship with it. Ten minutes ago, 
it was "up", and now it's sort of "down".

I was able to load images not too long ago (read: 10-20 
minutes ago), and now I can't get them to load at all. VCLd 
says the images are failing. A closer look shows that the 
images aren't getting registered, mainly because of a sudden 
"invalid datastore path" error:

03:14:49|28692|127:130|new|esx.pm:load(381)|Register Command: 
/usr/lib/vmware-viperl/apps/vm/vmregister.pl --server 
'vmware1' --username vcl --password 'noc!vc1n0de' --vmxpath 
'[VCL]/inuse/host10/vmwareesxwinxp-base14-v3.vmx' --operation 
register --vmname host10 --pool Resources --hostname 
'vmware1.ivcl.soe' --datacenter 'ha-datacenter'
2010-07-07 03:14:49|28649|vcld:main(164)|lastcheckin time 
updated for management node 1: 2010-07-07 03:14:49
2010-07-07 03:14:49|28649|vcld:main(183)|number of requests 
assigned to management node 1: 17
2010-07-07 03:14:49|28649|vcld:main(358)|there are 0 block 
requests assigned to management node 1
|28692|127:130|new| Invalid datastore path: 
2010-07-07 03:14:51|28692|127:130|new|esx.pm:load(393)|Power 
on command: /usr/lib/vmware-viperl/apps/vm/vmcontrol.pl --
server 'vmware1' --vmname host10 --operation poweron --
username vcl --password 'noc!vc1n0de'
2010-07-07 03:14:53|28692|127:130|new|esx.pm:load(396)|Powered 
on: Virtual Machine host10 not found.
No recipient addresses found in header
03:14:54|28692|127:130|new|utils.pm:mail(1348)|SUCCESS -- 
Sending mail To: , PROBLEM -- esx.pm

|28692|127:130|new| ---- CRITICAL ----
|28692|127:130|new| 2010-07-07 
03:14:54|28692|127:130|new|esx.pm:load(429)|Could not query 
|28692|127:130|new| ( 0) utils.pm, notify (line: 730)
|28692|127:130|new| (-1) esx.pm, load (line: 429)
|28692|127:130|new| (-2) new.pm, reload_image (line: 665)
|28692|127:130|new| (-3) new.pm, process (line: 266)
|28692|127:130|new| (-4) vcld, make_new_child (line: 594)
|28692|127:130|new| (-5) vcld, main (line: 341)

|28692|127:130|new| ---- WARNING ----
|28692|127:130|new| 2010-07-07 
inxp-base14-v3 failed to load on host10, returning
|28692|127:130|new| ( 0) utils.pm, notify (line: 730)
|28692|127:130|new| (-1) new.pm, reload_image (line: 670)
|28692|127:130|new| (-2) new.pm, process (line: 266)
|28692|127:130|new| (-3) vcld, make_new_child (line: 594)
|28692|127:130|new| (-4) vcld, main (line: 341)

ed computer=10, loadimagefailed, vmwareesxwinxp-base14-v3 
failed to load on host10

|28692|127:130|new| ---- WARNING ----
|28692|127:130|new| 2010-07-07 
03:14:54|28692|127:130|new|new.pm:process(313)|failed to load 
host10 with vmwareesxwinxp-base14-v3
|28692|127:130|new| ( 0) utils.pm, notify (line: 730)
|28692|127:130|new| (-1) new.pm, process (line: 313)
|28692|127:130|new| (-2) vcld, make_new_child (line: 594)
|28692|127:130|new| (-3) vcld, main (line: 341)

I am going to have to check the management nodes to see if 
something happened to the NFS server. Is there any other 
reason this might have happened when everything seemed to be 
working well not 20 minutes ago?


- Cliff

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