Hi Josh,

I've inserted the print stmt. as suggested and it looped back to the login 
screen without displaying the message.
You mentioned that this behavior would indicate a non-cookie problem?

Please advise on any next steps, if possible.

** All help is appreciated as we work to get this project into a demo-ready 
state.  Time is of the essence to us
** as our Deans want to see a functional, working demo by the end of August!

vcld log follows..
unable to retrieve management node information from database

Time: 2010-08-11 14:29:01
PID: 28088
Caller: vcld:main(130)

( 0) utils.pm, notify (line: 737)
(-1) vcld, main (line: 130)

2010-08-11 14:29:01|28088|vcld:main(116)|vcld environment variable set to 1 for 
this process
2010-08-11 14:29:01|28088|utils.pm:rename_vcld_process(7901)|renamed process to 
'vcld vcld'
|28088| ---- WARNING ---- 
|28088| 2010-08-11 14:29:01|28088|utils.pm:getnewdbh(3452)|unable to connect to 
database, (1045) Access denied for user 'vcluser'@'bester.lsit.ucsb.edu' (using 
password: YES)
|28088| ( 0) utils.pm, notify (line: 737)
|28088| (-1) utils.pm, getnewdbh (line: 3452)
|28088| (-2) utils.pm, database_select (line: 4822)
|28088| (-3) utils.pm, get_management_node_info (line: 6733)
|28088| (-4) vcld, main (line: 126)
|28088| ---- WARNING ---- 
|28088| 2010-08-11 14:29:01|28088|utils.pm:getnewdbh(3452)|unable to connect to 
database, (1045) Access denied for user 'vcluser'@'bester.lsit.ucsb.edu' (using 
password: YES)
|28088| ( 0) utils.pm, notify (line: 737)
|28088| (-1) utils.pm, getnewdbh (line: 3452)
|28088| (-2) utils.pm, database_select (line: 4824)
|28088| (-3) utils.pm, get_management_node_info (line: 6733)
|28088| (-4) vcld, main (line: 126)
|28088| ---- WARNING ---- 
|28088| 2010-08-11 14:29:01|28088|utils.pm:database_select(4825)|unable to 
obtain database handle, Access denied for user 'vcluser'@'bester.lsit.ucsb.edu' 
(using password: YES)
|28088| ( 0) utils.pm, notify (line: 737)
|28088| (-1) utils.pm, database_select (line: 4825)
|28088| (-2) utils.pm, get_management_node_info (line: 6733)
|28088| (-3) vcld, main (line: 126)
|28088| ---- WARNING ---- 
|28088| 2010-08-11 14:29:01|28088|utils.pm:get_management_node_info(6737)|zero 
rows were returned from database select, management node identifier may be 
invalid: 'bester.lsit.ucsb.edu'
|28088| SELECT
|28088| managementnode.*,
|28088| resource.id AS resource_id,
|28088| predictivemodule.name AS predictive_name,
|28088| predictivemodule.prettyname AS predictive_prettyname,
|28088| predictivemodule.description AS predictive_description,
|28088| predictivemodule.perlpackage  AS predictive_perlpackage,
|28088| state.name AS statename
|28088| FROM
|28088| managementnode,
|28088| module predictivemodule,
|28088| resource,
|28088| resourcetype,
|28088| state
|28088| WHERE
|28088| managementnode.predictivemoduleid = predictivemodule.id
|28088| AND managementnode.stateid = state.id
|28088| AND resource.resourcetypeid = resourcetype.id
|28088| AND resource.subid =  managementnode.id
|28088| AND resourcetype.name = 'managementnode'
|28088| AND managementnode.hostname like 'bester.lsit.ucsb.edu%'
|28088| ( 0) utils.pm, notify (line: 737)
|28088| (-1) utils.pm, get_management_node_info (line: 6737)
|28088| (-2) vcld, main (line: 126)


On Aug 11, 2010, at 12:09 PM, Josh Thompson wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On Wednesday August 11, 2010, Randy Sprague wrote:
>> Josh,
>> Thanks for that quick reply!
>> I ran 'testsetup.php' as suggested and it came back clean, but am still
>> unable to login via the management node.
>> Please see the 'testsetup.php' results below:
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> <snip>
>> Checking COOKIEDOMAIN setting in .ht-inc/conf.php ...
>> COOKIEDOMAIN (bester.lsit.ucsb.edu) appears to be set correctly
>> Checking that BASEURL in conf.php is set to use https ...
> <snip>
> Randy,
> In the quoted empty line above, right after the line that starts with 
> 'COOKIEDOMAIN' there should be an iframe that attempts to set a cookie.  
> Either the copy/paste didn't include the content of the iframe, or it failed 
> to set the cookie.  When you log in, VCL sets a cookie named VCLAUTH.  If it 
> cannot set that, it will keep redirecting you to the login page.
> You can check that the actual authentication is working or not by modifying 
> .ht-inc/authentication.php.  Look for the localLogin function.  Just after 
> the 
> '//set cookie' comment add
> print 'authentication ok';
> and then comment out the line starting with 'header("Location:'.
> Next, try logging in.  If it prints "authentication ok", then it is a cookie 
> issue.  If you get the login page again, it is another issue.
> Josh
> - -- 
> - -------------------------------
> Josh Thompson
> Systems Programmer
> Advanced Computing | VCL Developer
> North Carolina State University
> josh_thomp...@ncsu.edu
> 919-515-5323
> my GPG/PGP key can be found at pgp.mit.edu
> Version: GnuPG v2.0.14 (GNU/Linux)
> /AgAnjseeyToJTTGlrROrLcwMgojEecf
> =msQQ

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