
Sorry - I realized I should have elaborated more on the errors in the log file.

First of all welcome to the community. :)

VCL with vmware provisioning can interact with the ESX(i) server in a couple different ways. The first error below is related to the vcl using the vmware sdk perl tookit, for this you'll need to set the password for the ESXi server in the vmware profile in through the vcl web interface. The second is also related to the sdk perl toolkit, from what I can tell it looks like it's not installed on your management node. The third error is related to the next method that vcl will try to manage vms on esxi, it's trying to ssh into the esxi server and run local cmds such as vmware-vim-cmd to manage the vms. This latter method is probably the best approach, if you can make sure you have ssh enabled on esxi and have your ssh identity keys setup. Then you should get further.

Again welcome and I apologize for the initial short response.

Aaron Peeler

On 2/4/11 7:46 AM, Aaron Peeler wrote:
Can you also ssh into the esxi server using identity keys?


On 2/1/11 11:11 AM, Jay Diener-Brazelle wrote:
Hello, I'm new to the community here. I'm trying to set up my first base image and I feel like I've missed a step. I have a ESX 4.1 server with a Win 7 setup loaded on it. When I go to create the image I get this sent to my admin email account:

VCL::image object could not be created and initialized

Time: 2011-01-28 15:39:59
PID: 22852
Caller: vcld:make_new_child(598)

( 0) utils.pm, notify (line: 630)
(-1) vcld, make_new_child (line: 598)
(-2) vcld, main (line: 342)

2011-01-28 15:39:58|22852|8:8|image|utils.pm:rename_vcld_process(7221)|renamed process to 'vcld 8:8 image node1 vmwarewin7-testcap611-v0 admin'
|22852|8:8|image| ---- WARNING ----
|22852|8:8|image| 2011-01-28 15:39:59|22852|8:8|image|vSphere_SDK.pm:initialize(1789)|VM host password is not configured in the database for the VM profile
|22852|8:8|image| ( 0) utils.pm, notify (line: 630)
|22852|8:8|image| (-1) vSphere_SDK.pm, initialize (line: 1789)
|22852|8:8|image| (-2) Module.pm, new (line: 159)
|22852|8:8|image| (-3) VMware.pm, (eval) (line: 1037)
|22852|8:8|image| (-4) VMware.pm, get_vmhost_api_object (line: 1037)
|22852|8:8|image| (-5) VMware.pm, initialize (line: 224)
|22852|8:8|image| (-6) Module.pm, new (line: 159)
|22852|8:8|image| ---- WARNING ----
|22852|8:8|image| 2011-01-28 15:39:59|22852|8:8|image|VMware.pm:get_vmhost_api_object(1040)|API object could not be created: VCL::Module::Provisioning::VMware::vSphere_SDK, no eval error
|22852|8:8|image| ( 0) utils.pm, notify (line: 630)
|22852|8:8|image| (-1) VMware.pm, get_vmhost_api_object (line: 1040)
|22852|8:8|image| (-2) VMware.pm, initialize (line: 224)
|22852|8:8|image| (-3) Module.pm, new (line: 159)
|22852|8:8|image| (-4) State.pm, initialize (line: 127)
|22852|8:8|image| (-5) Module.pm, new (line: 159)
|22852|8:8|image| (-6) vcld, make_new_child (line: 591)
2011-01-28 15:39:59|22852|8:8|image|VMware.pm:get_vmhost_os_object(977)|VM host OS object created: VCL::Module::OS::Linux::UnixLab
|22852|8:8|image| ---- WARNING ----
|22852|8:8|image| 2011-01-28 15:39:59|22852|8:8|image|VMware.pm:initialize(254)|unable to control OS of VM host 192 using OS object: VCL::Module::OS::Linux::UnixLab, VM host is not responding to SSH
|22852|8:8|image| ( 0) utils.pm, notify (line: 630)
|22852|8:8|image| (-1) VMware.pm, initialize (line: 254)
|22852|8:8|image| (-2) Module.pm, new (line: 159)
|22852|8:8|image| (-3) State.pm, initialize (line: 127)
|22852|8:8|image| (-4) Module.pm, new (line: 159)
|22852|8:8|image| (-5) vcld, make_new_child (line: 591)
|22852|8:8|image| (-6) vcld, main (line: 342)
|22852|8:8|image| ---- WARNING ----
|22852|8:8|image| 2011-01-28 15:39:59|22852|8:8|image|State.pm:initialize(132)|provisioning object could not be created, returning 0
|22852|8:8|image| ( 0) utils.pm, notify (line: 630)
|22852|8:8|image| (-1) State.pm, initialize (line: 132)
|22852|8:8|image| (-2) Module.pm, new (line: 159)
|22852|8:8|image| (-3) vcld, make_new_child (line: 591)
|22852|8:8|image| (-4) vcld, main (line: 342)
2011-01-28 15:39:59|22852|8:8|image|utils.pm:delete_computerloadlog_reservation(6876)|deleted rows from computerloadlog for reservation id=8 2011-01-28 15:39:59|22852|8:8|image|State.pm:DESTROY(946)|VCL::image process 22852 exiting

I can SSH to the Win 7 VM from the management node. Any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks. Jay


Aaron Peeler
Program Manager
Virtual Computing Lab
NC State University

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