Sysprep.exe may be initiated by quickly terminates due to an error. Check if the following log file exists and contains any useful error information:

Try running the command manually, trying to replicate the environment VCL attempts to run it in:
-Log in as root
-Open a Cygwin shell
-Run this command:
sysprep.exe /generalize /oobe /shutdown /quiet /unattend:C:/Windows/Sysnative/sysprep/Unattend.xml

If this fails, try running it from a regular cmd.exe shell, but change the path to Unattend.xml to DOS\Windows format: sysprep.exe /generalize /oobe /shutdown /quiet /unattend:C:\Windows\Sysnative\sysprep\Unattend.xml

Please reply with anything you find.


On 3/1/2011 11:39 AM, Hartl, Gerhard L. wrote:
I have been attempting to capture a Win 7 x64 image w/ sysprep on VCL
2.2 without success. I added the following:
***# Check if pre_capture() subroutine has been implemented by the OS
*my $computer_nodename = $computer_shortname;*
*if ($self->os->can("pre_capture")) {*
*# Call OS pre_capture() - it should perform all OS steps necessary to
capture an image*
*# pre_capture() should shut down the computer when it is done*
*notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "calling OS module's pre_capture() subroutine");*
*if (!$self->os->pre_capture({end_state => 'off'})) {*
*notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "OS module pre_capture() failed");*
*return 0;*
in, as we use netapp hardware, and the pre_capture indeed
runs properly when sysprep is set to 1. At the end of the pre_capture
when sysprep.exe is actually called, nothing happens. The Unattend.xml
is in the proper place but *sysprep.exe /generalize /oobe /shutdown
/quiet /unattend:C:/Windows/Sysnative/sysprep/Unattend.xml* is never
actually run. Eventually after the timeout, the poweroff() routine will
power off the machine unclean and without sysprep. I have checked the
taskman and sysprep.exe is not running.
*|19148|30:30|image| /usr/bin/ssh -i /etc/vcl/vcl.key -l root -p 22 -x
vmwarewin7-base1-v1 '/bin/cygstart.exe C:/Windows/Sysnative/cmd.exe /c
"%SYSTEMROOT%/System32/ipconfig.exe /release &
%SYSTEMROOT%/System32/route.exe DELETE MASK &
%SYSTEMROOT%/System32/netsh.exe interface ip set address name=\"Local
Area Connection\" source=dhcp & %SYSTEMROOT%/System32/netsh.exe
interface ip set dns name=\"Local Area Connection\" source=dhcp &
%SYSTEMROOT%/System32/netsh.exe interface ip set address name=\"Local
Area Connection 2\" source=dhcp & %SYSTEMROOT%/System32/netsh.exe
interface ip set dns name=\"Local Area Connection 2\" source=dhcp &
%SYSTEMROOT%/System32/sysprep/sysprep.exe /generalize /oobe /shutdown
/quiet /unattend:C:/Windows/Sysnative/sysprep/Unattend.xml"' 2>&1*
17:19:55|19148|30:30|image||SSH command
executed on vmwarewin7-base1-v1, returning (0, "")*
Sysprep.exe, waiting for vmwarewin7-base1-v1 to become unresponsive*
17:19:55|19148|30:30|image||waiting for
vmwarewin7-base1-v1 to NOT respond to ping, maximum of 720 seconds*
17:19:55|19148|30:30|image||attempt 1:
waiting for vmwarewin7-base1-v1 to NOT respond to ping*
17:19:55|19148|30:30|image||attempt 1:
code returned false, seconds elapsed/remaining: 0/720, sleeping for 15
*2011-02-28 17:20:10|3111|vcld:main(166)|lastcheckin time updated for
management node 1: 2011-02-28 17:20:10*
17:20:10|19148|30:30|image||attempt 2:
waiting for vmwarewin7-base1-v1 to NOT respond to ping*
17:20:11|19148|30:30|image||waiting for
vmwarewin7-base1-v1 to NOT respond to ping, code returned true*
*|19148|30:30|image| ---- WARNING ---- *
*|19148|30:30|image| 2011-02-28
subroutine has not been implemented by the provisioning module:
*|19148|30:30|image| ( 0), notify (line: 630)*
*|19148|30:30|image| (-1), wait_for_power_off (line: 354)*
*|19148|30:30|image| (-2), run_sysprep (line: 1642)*
*|19148|30:30|image| (-3), pre_capture (line: 171)*
*|19148|30:30|image| (-4), capture (line: 1238)*
*|19148|30:30|image| (-5), process (line: 165)*
*|19148|30:30|image| (-6) vcld, make_new_child (line: 595)*
17:20:11|19148|30:30|image||unable to
determine power status of vmwarewin7-base1-v1 from provisioning module,
sleeping 5 minutes to allow computer time to shutdown*
*2011-02-28 17:20:40|3111|vcld:main(166)|lastcheckin time updated for
management node 1: 2011-02-28 17:20:40*
*2011-02-28 17:21:10|3111|vcld:main(166)|lastcheckin time updated for
management node 1: 2011-02-28 17:21:10*
*2011-02-28 17:21:40|3111|vcld:main(166)|lastcheckin time updated for
management node 1: 2011-02-28 17:21:40*
*2011-02-28 17:22:10|3111|vcld:main(166)|lastcheckin time updated for
management node 1: 2011-02-28 17:22:10*
*2011-02-28 17:22:40|3111|vcld:main(166)|lastcheckin time updated for
management node 1: 2011-02-28 17:22:40*
*2011-02-28 17:23:10|3111|vcld:main(166)|lastcheckin time updated for
management node 1: 2011-02-28 17:23:10*
*2011-02-28 17:23:40|3111|vcld:main(166)|lastcheckin time updated for
management node 1: 2011-02-28 17:23:40*
*2011-02-28 17:24:10|3111|vcld:main(166)|lastcheckin time updated for
management node 1: 2011-02-28 17:24:10*
*2011-02-28 17:24:40|3111|vcld:main(166)|lastcheckin time updated for
management node 1: 2011-02-28 17:24:40*
*2011-02-28 17:25:10|3111|vcld:main(166)|lastcheckin time updated for
management node 1: 2011-02-28 17:25:10*
*2011-02-28 17:25:11|19148|30:30|image||returning 1*
*2011-02-28 17:25:11|19148|30:30|image||Power
off command: /usr/lib/vmware-vcli/apps/vm/ --server 'holden'
--vmname vmwarewin7-base1-v1 --operation poweroff --username vclapp
--password **(PASSWORDREMOVED)*
*2011-02-28 17:25:17|19148|30:30|image||Powered
*|19148|30:30|image| virtual machine 'vmwarewin7-base1-v1' under host
holden powered off*
- Gerhard Hartl
Old Dominion University

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