I would suggest looking at your image capture log to see why it couldn't 
create\append the currentimage.txt file.

I've been in the habit of doing a 'touch /home/root/currentimage.txt' within 
Cygwin to create a blank currentimage.txt before I perform a capture. The 
capture process then appends with the image name and version.  This is then 
read in when a reservation is made to check if it's the appropriate image and 

- Gerhard Hartl
Old Dominion University
Norfolk, VA

-----Original Message-----
From: James Patrick Sigmon [mailto:jpsig...@ncsu.edu] 
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2011 1:16 PM
To: vcl-user@incubator.apache.org
Subject: unnecessary reload

Hey Guys,

My reservations will always reload at the beginning of the reservation 
processes even if the vmguest is currently loaded with the desired image.  
Looking at the output from the vcld.log, it appears that the issue is with a 
file it can't find called currentimage.txt.  Any ideas on how to fix this?


Patrick Sigmon

|20552|417:417|new| ---- WARNING ----
|20552|417:417|new| 2011-03-31 
12:42:40|20552|417:417|new|OS.pm:get_currentimage_txt_contents(161)|failed to 
retrieve currentimage.txt from vmguest-10, exit status: 1, output:
|20552|417:417|new| cat: /home/root/currentimage.txt: No such file or 
|20552|directory 417:417|new| ( 0) OS.pm, get_currentimage_txt_contents 
|20552|(line: 161) 417:417|new| (-1) OS.pm, get_current_image_name 
|20552|(line: 197) 417:417|new| (-2) VMware.pm, node_status (line: 941) 
|20552|417:417|new| (-3) new.pm, reload_image (line: 533) 417:417|new| 
|20552|(-4) new.pm, process (line: 282) 417:417|new| (-5) vcld, 
|20552|make_new_child (line: 568)

|20552|417:417|new| ---- WARNING ----
|20552|417:417|new| 2011-03-31 
|20552|ed to retrieve currentimage.txt contents from vmguest-10 
|20552|417:417|new| ( 0) OS.pm, get_current_image_name (line: 201) 
|20552|417:417|new| (-1) VMware.pm, node_status (line: 941) 417:417|new| 
|20552|(-2) new.pm, reload_image (line: 533) 417:417|new| (-3) new.pm, 
|20552|process (line: 282) 417:417|new| (-4) vcld, make_new_child (line: 
|20552|568) 417:417|new| (-5) vcld, main (line: 346)

2011-03-31 12:42:40|20552|417:417|new|VMware.pm:node_status(945)|unable to 
retrieve image name from currentimage.txt on VM vmguest-10, returning 'RELOAD'
2011-03-31 12:42:40|20552|417:417|new|new.pm:reload_image(544)|node_status 
returned a hash reference
2011-03-31 12:42:40|20552|417:417|new|new.pm:reload_image(549)|node_status hash 
reference contains key {status}=RELOAD
2011-03-31 12:42:40|20552|417:417|new|new.pm:reload_image(624)|node status is 
RELOAD, vmguest-10 will be reloaded


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