I have committed a change to OS.pm which should hopefully fix the SSH
identity key problem you had.  Please do a 'svn up', restart vcld,
comment out the IdentityFile line in ssh_config, and try it again.


On Wed, May 2, 2012 at 9:33 AM, Dmitri Chebotarov <dcheb...@gmu.edu> wrote:
> Thank you. This worked.
> --
> Dmitri Chebotarov
> Virtual Computing Lab Systems Engineer, TSD - Ent Servers & Messaging
> 223 Aquia Building, Ffx, MSN: 1B5
> Phone: (703) 993-6175
> Fax: (703) 993-3404
> On Wednesday, May 2, 2012 at 7:53 , Aaron Coburn wrote:
>> Dmitri,
>> you can also set a default ItentityFile in the ssh configuration, i.e.:
>> IdentityFile /etc/vcl/vcl.key
>> Depending on how you want this set up (whether to apply only to certain 
>> hosts or to be globally applicable), you can put this in /etc/ssh/ssh_config 
>> or in /root/.ssh/config
>> This can be a useful setting, especially for manually accessing VM nodes, 
>> since you can then entirely omit the -i flag.
>> Aaron
>> --
>> Aaron Coburn
>> Systems Administrator and Programmer
>> Academic Technology Services, Amherst College
>> acob...@amherst.edu (mailto:acob...@amherst.edu)
>> On May 1, 2012, at 10:50 PM, Dmitri Chebotarov wrote:
>> > Andy
>> >
>> > $ssh_options doesn't have vcl.key. (ie. -i /path/to/vcl.key)
>> > I've changed the code to test it - added:
>> >
>> > $ssh_options = $ssh_options." -i /etc/vcl/vcl.key";
>> >
>> > right before $ssh object is created and it seemed to communicated with 
>> > host OK this time:
>> >
>> > ...
>> > 2012-05-01 22:38:16|1097|435:427|reload|OS.pm:(eval)(1946)|created 
>> > Net::SSH::Expect object to control VMHOST1
>> > 2012-05-01 22:38:16|1097|435:427|reload|OS.pm:(eval)(1947)|ssh_options: -o 
>> > StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /etc/vcl/vcl.key (<-- before the change 
>> > $ssh_option was just '-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no')
>> >
>> >
>> > 2012-05-01 22:38:19|1097|435:427|reload|VIM_SSH.pm:initialize(138)|VIM 
>> > executable available on VM host: vim-cmd
>> > 2012-05-01 
>> > 22:38:19|1097|435:427|reload|VIM_SSH.pm:initialize(140)|VCL::Module::Provisioning::VMware::VIM_SSH
>> >  object initialized
>> > 2012-05-01 
>> > 22:38:19|1097|435:427|reload|VMware.pm:get_vmhost_api_object(1522)|created 
>> > API object: VCL::Module::Provisioning::VMware::VIM_SSH
>> > 2012-05-01 22:38:19|1097|435:427|reload|VMware.pm:initialize(312)|VM host 
>> > VMHOST1 will be controlled using vim-cmd via SSH
>> > 2012-05-01 22:38:19|1097|435:427|reload|VMware.pm:initialize(327)|VMware 
>> > OS and API objects created for VM host VMHOST1:
>> > |1097|435:427|reload| VM host OS object type: VCL::Module::OS::Linux
>> > |1097|435:427|reload| VMware API object type: 
>> > VCL::Module::Provisioning::VMware::VIM_SSH
>> > 2012-05-01 
>> > 22:38:19|1097|435:427|reload|VMware.pm:get_vmhost_product_name(6514)|VMware
>> >  product being used on VM host VMHOST1: 'VMware ESXi 5.0.0 build-469512'
>> > 2012-05-01 
>> > 22:38:19|1097|435:427|reload|VIM_SSH.pm:_run_vim_cmd(193)|vim-cmd call 
>> > count: 1 (hostsvc/datastore/listsummary)
>> > 2012-05-01 
>> > 22:38:19|1097|435:427|reload|VIM_SSH.pm:_run_vim_cmd(208)|executed command 
>> > on VM host VMHOST1: vim-cmd hostsvc/datastore/listsummary
>> >
>> >
>> > …
>> >
>> > I've double checked the setting for vcl.key under management node and it's 
>> > present.
>> >
>> > Thank you.
>> >
>> > --
>> > Dmitri Chebotarov
>> > Virtual Computing Lab Systems Engineer, TSD - Ent Servers & Messaging
>> > 223 Aquia Building, Ffx, MSN: 1B5
>> > Phone: (703) 993-6175
>> > Fax: (703) 993-3404
>> >
>> >
>> > On Tuesday, May 1, 2012 at 21:47 , Dmitri Chebotarov wrote:
>> >
>> > > Andy,
>> > >
>> > > Here is the full log.
>> > >
>> > > Thank you.
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > VCL::new object could not be created and initialized
>> > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> > > time: 2012-05-01 16:54:28
>> > > caller: vcld:make_new_child(575)
>> > > ( 0) vcld, make_new_child (line: 575)
>> > > (-1) vcld, main (line: 350)
>> > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> > > management node: sand-vcl23
>> > > reservation PID: 16065
>> > > parent vcld PID: 15907
>> > > request ID: 433
>> > > reservation ID: 425
>> > > request state/laststate: reload/reload
>> > > request start time: 2012-05-01 16:45:00
>> > > request end time: 2012-05-01 17:05:00
>> > > for imaging: no
>> > > log ID: none
>> > > computer: sandbox-vcl-4
>> > > computer id: 46
>> > > computer type: virtualmachine
>> > > computer eth0 MAC address: 00:50:56:00:10:08
>> > > computer eth1 MAC address: 00:50:56:00:10:09
>> > > computer private IP address: private-.5.14
>> > > computer public IP address: public-.244
>> > > computer in block allocation: no
>> > > provisioning module: VCL::Module::Provisioning::VMware::VMware
>> > > vm host: VMHOST1
>> > > vm host ID: 5
>> > > vm host computer ID: 85
>> > > vm profile: VMware ESXi - local & network storage
>> > > vm profile VM path: /vmfs/volumes/local-datastore/runningImages
>> > > vm profile repository path: <undefined>
>> > > vm profile datastore path: /vmfs/volumes/sandbox-Image-Library/baseImages
>> > > vm profile disk type: networkdisk
>> > > image: vmwarelinux-CentOSxCat69-v0
>> > > image display name: CentOS 5.5 (persistent)
>> > > image ID: 69
>> > > image revision ID: 72
>> > > image size: 8192 MB
>> > > use Sysprep: no
>> > > root access: yes
>> > > image owner ID: 1
>> > > image owner affiliation: Local
>> > > image revision date created: 2012-02-09 15:11:37
>> > > image revision production: yes
>> > > OS module: VCL::Module::OS::Linux
>> > > user: vclreload
>> > > user name: vcl reload
>> > > user ID: 2
>> > > user affiliation: Local
>> > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> > > 2012-05-01 
>> > > 16:54:21|16065|433:425|reload|VMware.pm:initialize(267)|initializing 
>> > > VCL::Module::Provisioning::VMware::VMware object
>> > > 2012-05-01 
>> > > 16:54:21|16065|433:425|reload|DataStructure.pm:_initialize(616)|computer 
>> > > ID argument was specified, retrieving data for computer ID: 85
>> > > 2012-05-01 
>> > > 16:54:21|16065|433:425|reload|DataStructure.pm:_initialize(640)|image ID 
>> > > argument was specified: 56, DataStructure object will contain image 
>> > > information for the production imagerevision of this image
>> > > 2012-05-01 
>> > > 16:54:21|16065|433:425|reload|DataStructure.pm:_initialize(671)|retrieved
>> > >  data for imagerevision ID: 71
>> > > 2012-05-01 
>> > > 16:54:21|16065|433:425|reload|DataStructure.pm:_initialize(687)|retrieved
>> > >  data for image ID: 56
>> > > 2012-05-01 
>> > > 16:54:21|16065|433:425|reload|VMware.pm:get_vmhost_datastructure(1392)|created
>> > >  DataStructure object for VM host: VMHOST1
>> > > 2012-05-01 16:54:21|16065|433:425|reload|VMware.pm:initialize(287)|VM 
>> > > profile assigned to VMHOST1: VMware ESXi - local & network storage
>> > > 2012-05-01 
>> > > 16:54:21|16065|433:425|reload|DataStructure.pm:_initialize(616)|computer 
>> > > ID argument was specified, retrieving data for computer ID: 85
>> > > 2012-05-01 
>> > > 16:54:21|16065|433:425|reload|DataStructure.pm:_initialize(640)|image ID 
>> > > argument was specified: 56, DataStructure object will contain image 
>> > > information for the production imagerevision of this image
>> > > 2012-05-01 
>> > > 16:54:21|16065|433:425|reload|DataStructure.pm:_initialize(671)|retrieved
>> > >  data for imagerevision ID: 71
>> > > 2012-05-01 
>> > > 16:54:21|16065|433:425|reload|DataStructure.pm:_initialize(687)|retrieved
>> > >  data for image ID: 56
>> > > 2012-05-01 
>> > > 16:54:21|16065|433:425|reload|VMware.pm:get_vmhost_datastructure(1392)|created
>> > >  DataStructure object for VM host: VMHOST1
>> > > 2012-05-01 
>> > > 16:54:21|16065|433:425|reload|VMware.pm:get_vmhost_api_object(1495)|attempting
>> > >  to load VMware control module: 
>> > > VCL::Module::Provisioning::VMware::vSphere_SDK
>> > > 2012-05-01 
>> > > 16:54:21|16065|433:425|reload|VMware.pm:get_vmhost_api_object(1501)|loaded
>> > >  VMware control module: VCL::Module::Provisioning::VMware::vSphere_SDK
>> > > 2012-05-01 
>> > > 16:54:21|16065|433:425|reload|Module.pm:new(200)|VCL::Module::Provisioning::VMware::vSphere_SDK
>> > >  object created for computer sandbox-vcl-4, address: 197b9e60
>> > > 2012-05-01 
>> > > 16:54:21|16065|433:425|reload|vSphere_SDK.pm:initialize(93)|vSphere SDK 
>> > > for Perl does not appear to be installed on this managment node, unable 
>> > > to load VMware vSphere SDK Perl modules
>> > > 2012-05-01 
>> > > 16:54:21|16065|433:425|reload|VMware.pm:get_vmhost_api_object(1515)|API 
>> > > object could not be created: 
>> > > VCL::Module::Provisioning::VMware::vSphere_SDK
>> > > 2012-05-01 16:54:21|16065|433:425|reload|utils.pm:(eval)(5213)|waiting 
>> > > up to 30 seconds for SSH process to finish
>> > > 2012-05-01 
>> > > 16:54:22|16065|433:425|reload|OS.pm:is_ssh_responding(631)|VMHOST1 is 
>> > > responding to SSH, port 22: open, port 24: closed
>> > > 2012-05-01 16:54:22|16065|433:425|reload|VMware.pm:initialize(303)|OS on 
>> > > VM host VMHOST1 will be controlled using VCL::Module::OS::Linux OS object
>> > > 2012-05-01 
>> > > 16:54:22|16065|433:425|reload|DataStructure.pm:_initialize(616)|computer 
>> > > ID argument was specified, retrieving data for computer ID: 85
>> > > 2012-05-01 
>> > > 16:54:22|16065|433:425|reload|DataStructure.pm:_initialize(640)|image ID 
>> > > argument was specified: 56, DataStructure object will contain image 
>> > > information for the production imagerevision of this image
>> > > 2012-05-01 
>> > > 16:54:22|16065|433:425|reload|DataStructure.pm:_initialize(671)|retrieved
>> > >  data for imagerevision ID: 71
>> > > 2012-05-01 
>> > > 16:54:22|16065|433:425|reload|DataStructure.pm:_initialize(687)|retrieved
>> > >  data for image ID: 56
>> > > 2012-05-01 
>> > > 16:54:22|16065|433:425|reload|VMware.pm:get_vmhost_datastructure(1392)|created
>> > >  DataStructure object for VM host: VMHOST1
>> > > 2012-05-01 
>> > > 16:54:22|16065|433:425|reload|VMware.pm:get_vmhost_api_object(1495)|attempting
>> > >  to load VMware control module: 
>> > > VCL::Module::Provisioning::VMware::VIM_SSH
>> > > 2012-05-01 
>> > > 16:54:22|16065|433:425|reload|VMware.pm:get_vmhost_api_object(1501)|loaded
>> > >  VMware control module: VCL::Module::Provisioning::VMware::VIM_SSH
>> > > 2012-05-01 
>> > > 16:54:22|16065|433:425|reload|Module.pm:new(200)|VCL::Module::Provisioning::VMware::VIM_SSH
>> > >  object created for computer sandbox-vcl-4, address: 197b9e70
>> > > 2012-05-01 16:54:22|16065|433:425|reload|OS.pm:(eval)(1944)|created 
>> > > Net::SSH::Expect object to control VMHOST1
>> > > |16065|433:425|reload| ---- WARNING ----
>> > > |16065|433:425|reload| 2012-05-01 
>> > > 16:54:25|16065|433:425|reload|OS.pm:(eval)(1973)|unable to connect to 
>> > > VMHOST1, SSH is requesting a password but password authentication is not 
>> > > implemented, password is not configured, output:
>> > > |16065|433:425|reload| Password:
>> > > |16065|433:425|reload| ( 0) OS.pm, (eval) (line: 1973)
>> > > |16065|433:425|reload| (-1) OS.pm, execute_new (line: 1933)
>> > > |16065|433:425|reload| (-2) OS.pm, execute (line: 1804)
>> > > |16065|433:425|reload| (-3) VIM_SSH.pm, initialize (line: 119)
>> > > |16065|433:425|reload| (-4) Module.pm, new (line: 207)
>> > > |16065|433:425|reload| (-5) VMware.pm, (eval) (line: 1505)
>> > > 2012-05-01 16:54:25|16065|433:425|reload|VIM_SSH.pm:initialize(121)|VIM 
>> > > executable is not available on the VM host
>> > > 2012-05-01 
>> > > 16:54:25|16065|433:425|reload|VMware.pm:get_vmhost_api_object(1515)|API 
>> > > object could not be created: VCL::Module::Provisioning::VMware::VIM_SSH
>> > > 2012-05-01 
>> > > 16:54:25|16065|433:425|reload|DataStructure.pm:_initialize(616)|computer 
>> > > ID argument was specified, retrieving data for computer ID: 85
>> > > 2012-05-01 
>> > > 16:54:25|16065|433:425|reload|DataStructure.pm:_initialize(640)|image ID 
>> > > argument was specified: 56, DataStructure object will contain image 
>> > > information for the production imagerevision of this image
>> > > 2012-05-01 
>> > > 16:54:25|16065|433:425|reload|DataStructure.pm:_initialize(671)|retrieved
>> > >  data for imagerevision ID: 71
>> > > 2012-05-01 
>> > > 16:54:25|16065|433:425|reload|DataStructure.pm:_initialize(687)|retrieved
>> > >  data for image ID: 56
>> > > 2012-05-01 
>> > > 16:54:25|16065|433:425|reload|VMware.pm:get_vmhost_datastructure(1392)|created
>> > >  DataStructure object for VM host: VMHOST1
>> > > 2012-05-01 
>> > > 16:54:25|16065|433:425|reload|VMware.pm:get_vmhost_api_object(1495)|attempting
>> > >  to load VMware control module: 
>> > > VCL::Module::Provisioning::VMware::vmware_cmd
>> > > 2012-05-01 
>> > > 16:54:25|16065|433:425|reload|VMware.pm:get_vmhost_api_object(1501)|loaded
>> > >  VMware control module: VCL::Module::Provisioning::VMware::vmware_cmd
>> > > 2012-05-01 
>> > > 16:54:25|16065|433:425|reload|Module.pm:new(200)|VCL::Module::Provisioning::VMware::vmware_cmd
>> > >  object created for computer sandbox-vcl-4, address: 19882d70
>> > > 2012-05-01 16:54:25|16065|433:425|reload|OS.pm:(eval)(1944)|created 
>> > > Net::SSH::Expect object to control VMHOST1
>> > > |16065|433:425|reload| ---- WARNING ----
>> > > |16065|433:425|reload| 2012-05-01 
>> > > 16:54:28|16065|433:425|reload|OS.pm:(eval)(1973)|unable to connect to 
>> > > VMHOST1, SSH is requesting a password but password authentication is not 
>> > > implemented, password is not configured, output:
>> > > |16065|433:425|reload| Password:
>> > > |16065|433:425|reload| ( 0) OS.pm, (eval) (line: 1973)
>> > > |16065|433:425|reload| (-1) OS.pm, execute_new (line: 1933)
>> > > |16065|433:425|reload| (-2) OS.pm, execute (line: 1804)
>> > > |16065|433:425|reload| (-3) vmware_cmd.pm, initialize (line: 101)
>> > > |16065|433:425|reload| (-4) Module.pm, new (line: 207)
>> > > |16065|433:425|reload| (-5) VMware.pm, (eval) (line: 1505)
>> > > |16065|433:425|reload| ---- WARNING ----
>> > > |16065|433:425|reload| 2012-05-01 
>> > > 16:54:28|16065|433:425|reload|vmware_cmd.pm:initialize(103)|failed to 
>> > > run SSH command to determine if vmware-cmd is available on the VM host
>> > > |16065|433:425|reload| ( 0) vmware_cmd.pm, initialize (line: 103)
>> > > |16065|433:425|reload| (-1) Module.pm, new (line: 207)
>> > > |16065|433:425|reload| (-2) VMware.pm, (eval) (line: 1505)
>> > > |16065|433:425|reload| (-3) VMware.pm, get_vmhost_api_object (line: 1505)
>> > > |16065|433:425|reload| (-4) VMware.pm, initialize (line: 312)
>> > > |16065|433:425|reload| (-5) Module.pm, new (line: 207)
>> > > 2012-05-01 
>> > > 16:54:28|16065|433:425|reload|VMware.pm:get_vmhost_api_object(1515)|API 
>> > > object could not be created: 
>> > > VCL::Module::Provisioning::VMware::vmware_cmd
>> > > |16065|433:425|reload| ---- WARNING ----
>> > > |16065|433:425|reload| 2012-05-01 
>> > > 16:54:28|16065|433:425|reload|VMware.pm:initialize(319)|failed to create 
>> > > an object to control VM host: VMHOST1
>> > > |16065|433:425|reload| ( 0) VMware.pm, initialize (line: 319)
>> > > |16065|433:425|reload| (-1) Module.pm, new (line: 207)
>> > > |16065|433:425|reload| (-2) Module.pm, create_provisioning_object (line: 
>> > > 521)
>> > > |16065|433:425|reload| (-3) State.pm, initialize (line: 136)
>> > > |16065|433:425|reload| (-4) Module.pm, new (line: 207)
>> > > |16065|433:425|reload| (-5) vcld, make_new_child (line: 568)
>> > > |16065|433:425|reload| ---- WARNING ----
>> > > |16065|433:425|reload| 2012-05-01 
>> > > 16:54:28|16065|433:425|reload|Module.pm:create_provisioning_object(529)|provisioning
>> > >  object could not be created, returning 0
>> > > |16065|433:425|reload| ( 0) Module.pm, create_provisioning_object (line: 
>> > > 529)
>> > > |16065|433:425|reload| (-1) State.pm, initialize (line: 136)
>> > > |16065|433:425|reload| (-2) Module.pm, new (line: 207)
>> > > |16065|433:425|reload| (-3) vcld, make_new_child (line: 568)
>> > > |16065|433:425|reload| (-4) vcld, main (line: 350)
>> > > |16065|433:425|reload| ---- WARNING ----
>> > > |16065|433:425|reload| 2012-05-01 
>> > > 16:54:28|16065|433:425|reload|State.pm:initialize(145)|failed to create 
>> > > provisioning object
>> > > |16065|433:425|reload| ( 0) State.pm, initialize (line: 145)
>> > > |16065|433:425|reload| (-1) Module.pm, new (line: 207)
>> > > |16065|433:425|reload| (-2) vcld, make_new_child (line: 568)
>> > > |16065|433:425|reload| (-3) vcld, main (line: 350)
>> > > 2012-05-01 
>> > > 16:54:28|16065|433:425|reload|utils.pm:delete_computerloadlog_reservation(6692)|removing
>> > >  computerloadlog entries matching loadstate = begin
>> > > 2012-05-01 
>> > > 16:54:28|16065|433:425|reload|utils.pm:delete_computerloadlog_reservation(6739)|deleted
>> > >  rows from computerloadlog for reservation id=425
>> > > 2012-05-01 16:54:28|16065|433:425|reload|State.pm:DESTROY(929)|VCL::new 
>> > > process duration: 7 seconds
>> > > 2012-05-01 
>> > > 16:54:28|16065|433:425|reload|DataStructure.pm:get_computer_private_ip_address(1633)|attempting
>> > >  to retrieve private IP address for computer: sandbox-vcl-4
>> > > 2012-05-01 
>> > > 16:54:28|16065|433:425|reload|DataStructure.pm:get_computer_private_ip_address(1637)|retrieved
>> > >  contents of /etc/hosts on this management node, contains 41 lines
>> > > 2012-05-01 
>> > > 16:54:28|16065|433:425|reload|DataStructure.pm:get_computer_private_ip_address(1697)|returning
>> > >  IP address from /etc/hosts file: private-.5.14
>> > > 2012-05-01 16:54:28|16065|433:425|reload|utils.pm:getnewdbh(2754)|unable 
>> > > to use database handle stored in $ENV{dbh}
>> > > 2012-05-01 
>> > > 16:54:28|16065|433:425|reload|utils.pm:getnewdbh(2811)|database handle 
>> > > stored in $ENV{dbh}
>> > > 2012-05-01 
>> > > 16:54:28|16065|433:425|reload|utils.pm:is_inblockrequest(6056)|zero rows 
>> > > were returned from database select
>> > > 2012-05-01 
>> > > 16:54:28|16065|433:425|reload|DataStructure.pm:get_image_affiliation_name(2121)|image
>> > >  owner id: 1
>> > > 2012-05-01 
>> > > 16:54:28|16065|433:425|reload|DataStructure.pm:retrieve_user_data(1404)|attempting
>> > >  to retrieve and store data for user: user.id = '1'
>> > > 2012-05-01 
>> > > 16:54:28|16065|433:425|reload|DataStructure.pm:retrieve_user_data(1467)|data
>> > >  has been retrieved for user: admin (id: 1)
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > --
>> > > Dmitri Chebotarov
>> > > Virtual Computing Lab Systems Engineer, TSD - Ent Servers & Messaging
>> > > 223 Aquia Building, Ffx, MSN: 1B5
>> > > Phone: (703) 993-6175
>> > > Fax: (703) 993-3404
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > On Tuesday, May 1, 2012 at 17:07 , Andy Kurth wrote:
>> > >
>> > > > Please send all of the vcld.log output for a failed reservation.
>> > > > -Andy
>> > > >
>> > > > On Tue, May 1, 2012 at 4:46 PM, Dmitri Chebotarov <dcheb...@gmu.edu 
>> > > > (mailto:dcheb...@gmu.edu)> wrote:
>> > > > > Hi
>> > > > >
>> > > > > I've upgraded from 2.2.1 to 2.3.
>> > > > > Web and management node seems to be working OK - vcld communicated 
>> > > > > with the
>> > > > > database and front-end displays right information.
>> > > > >
>> > > > > For some reason after the upgrade I cannot communicate with any of 
>> > > > > vmhosts.
>> > > > > It seems like VCL ignoring vcl.key and try to login with 
>> > > > > username/password:
>> > > > >
>> > > > > ...
>> > > > > |14100|427:419|reload| 2012-05-01
>> > > > > 16:22:04|14100|427:419|reload|OS.pm:(eval)(1974)|unable to connect to
>> > > > > VMHOST-1, SSH is requesting a password but password authentication 
>> > > > > is not
>> > > > > implemented, password is not configured, output:
>> > > > > |14100|427:419|reload| Password:
>> > > > > …
>> > > > >
>> > > > > Is it normal and I need to configure username/password, or am I 
>> > > > > missing
>> > > > > something in VCL 2.3?
>> > > > >
>> > > > > Thank you.
>> > > > >
>> > > > >
>> > > > > --
>> > > > > Dmitri Chebotarov
>> > > > > Virtual Computing Lab Systems Engineer, TSD - Ent Servers & Messaging
>> > > > > 223 Aquia Building, Ffx, MSN: 1B5
>> > > > > Phone: (703) 993-6175
>> > > > > Fax: (703) 993-3404
>> > > >
>> > >
>> >
>> Attachments:
>> - smime.p7s

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