On Tue, 19 Apr 2011 16:37:53 +0200, Richard Hartmann 
<richih.mailingl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Just a FYI in case anyone is still considering to base their data
> storage on an external, non-encrypted, third-party services.
> http://www.businessinsider.com/dropbox-updates-security-terms-of-service-to-say-it-can-decrpyt-files-if-the-government-asks-it-to-2011-4?op=1

Hardly news. They all do this, *especially* when they claim otherwise.

It's a legal requirement, whether or not they mention it in their TOS.

Funny part:
>> [...] Dropbox cooperates with United States law enforcement when it
>> receives valid legal process [...]

Wasn't "valid legal process" rendered moot by the Patriot Act ?

As often (but not always) is the case, RMS knows wazup [1].

> In related news, git-annex supports encrypted backends, now.

That, OTOH, is beyond newsworthy!

> Richard
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