
I'm discovering vcsh and try to write a noobs howto in french but I get stuck really early. This is my test :

echo "test" >.totorc
vcsh init toto
vcsh toto add .totorc
vcsh commit -m "first commit"

This will "forget" my -m comment, open $EDITOR and let me type it again.
Then :

echo "Another test" >>.totorc
vcsh commit

Sur la branche master
Modifications qui ne seront pas validées :
        modifié :         .totorc

Which I would translate as :

On branch master
Changes not staged for commit:
        modified :         .totorc

If I add .totorc once again it will get committed but this makes it useless.


Second try (rm -rf .config/vcsh), this time specifying the repository name to vcsh when committing (thus sending the command to git directly) :

vcsh init toto
vcsh toto add .totorc
vcsh toto commit -m "first commit"
[master (commit racine) 96f8587] first commit
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 .totorc

The -m is recognized

echo "Another test" >>.totorc
vcsh toto commit -m "second commit"
On branch master
Changes not staged for commit:
        modified :         .totorc

:-( Same fail.


Can you explain to me what I'm doing wrong ?

I'm using Debian's version 1.20140508-1

Many thanks,

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