Thanks for sharing!

This reminds me of this very old thread

which unfortunately went nowhere due to Joey having concerns about
"layering violations".

On 28 June 2015 at 14:34, Michael Henry <> wrote:
> On 06/25/2015 01:49 PM, John Whitley wrote:
>> Nice idea, Michael.  It’s possible to prepend text only if
>> some command has output.
> I've never seen that particular trick with ``sed``, but I like
> it.  It's very compact and uses a standard tool instead of
> hundreds of lines of Python, which makes it a much better
> candidate for inclusion in ``mr`` or ``vcsh`` directly.  The
> only thing it lacks is a display of "progress" as the
> repositories are being checked.  For ``mr status`` using git
> repositories on my desktop with RAID SSDs, the difference isn't
> significant, as the entire operation completes in under half a
> second; but for commands like ``mr update``, I find it nice to
> see the activity as it progresses (especially on a slower link).
> In addition, some commands generate output even in the
> "uninteresting" cases.  For example, a default ``mr update``
> looks like this::
>   mr update: /home/mike/.
>   Already up-to-date.
>   mr update: /home/mike/projects/ProjectOne
>   Already up-to-date.
>   [...]
>   mr update: /home/mike/projects/ProjectN
>   Already up-to-date.
> I'd like to be able to squelch this kind of output as well.  But
> if you're willing to forgo seeing the progress "live" as it
> happens, then such lines could be removed by additional ``sed``
> logic.
> For most users, having something like your ``sed``-based
> implementation built-in would be advantageous, though for myself
> I'd find it nice (but not absolutely necessary) if that feature
> could be bypassed to allow a display of "progress" as the
> overall operation proceeds.
> Thanks,
> Michael Henry
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